Please tell us what you're missing. We have a lot of new stuff planned but we'd like to know if we're neglecting something that you found useful on the old site.

We also know that specifically the Rank Wrench is a big help to WFTDA voters, so we're going to do our best to have it available in time for the next vote.


Hi Guys,

I'm glad to hear the Rank Wrench is coming back. I'd also like to see the database export back too.

You probably know this already, but I'll repeat it. East Texas and Salt City are no longer WFTDA, you can check the WFTDA wiki under Former Members. I don't know if this is important, but there's nothing I can find that says you're exclusively WFTDA. Maybe you're not, I don't know.

Hopefully I'm helping,

Thanks, noted.

Yes, we do only track WFTDA teams. We're keeping these teams around because they have sanctioned bouts on record (against currently active teams). We'll make it clear though that they're no longer sanctioned.

Maybe this is too cruel, but my thought was that they be dropped from the ranking, being no longer WFTDA. You'd still have a database record for them with an indicator that they're no longer with WFTDA, and leagues in good standing would still have links to their record.


Yes exactly -- the fact that these teams are currently seen on the rankings is an oversight on our part. If a team becomes inactive we'll stop ranking them, but maintain their history.

Any news on the database export coming back?