London (WINNER)
Helsinki (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
London (WINNER)
Helsinki (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
London (WINNER)
Helsinki (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
London (WINNER)
Helsinki (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Helsinki Roster
Florence Fightingale | #911 |
Lady Lahlah | #2014 |
Cisse | #23 |
Nina Erwes | #28 |
Malice in Saint | #33 |
Iiris Suominen | #404 |
Ronja Ryovari | #415 |
Sara Mack-Eh? | #604 |
Gale Force | #64 |
Leeloo Dallas (HRD) | #666 |
Heli Runteli | #8000 |
Deadbeat Debbie | #88 |
Tiina Kimari | #94 |
Linda Vidjeskog | #96 |
London Roster
Fox Sake | #04 |
Dalai Harmer | #108 |
Stefanie Mainey | #13 |
Katy Peril | #1349 |
Grievous Bodily Charm | #1984 |
Rogue Runner (LRG) | #22 |
Frightning Bolt | #33 |
Raw Heidi | #357 |
Knickerblocker Glory (LRG) | #44 |
Olivia Coupe | #51 |
Goregasm | #8008 |
Shaolynn Scarlett | #888 |
Kamikaze Kitten | #9 |
Flamin' Aggro | #999 |
Major Travis T | CHR |
Matt The Knife | IPR |
Pachinko | JR |
Meg Le Maniac | JR |
Old Maverick | OPR |
Pixie Spankalot | OPR |
Maëlstrom | OPR |
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