Nashville (WINNER)
Memphis (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Nashville (WINNER)
Memphis (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Nashville (WINNER)
Memphis (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Nashville (WINNER)
Memphis (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Nashville Roster
Jennifer Smith | #11 |
LeeAnn Crimes | #13 |
E-Money | #15 |
Britches N' Hose | #308 |
Four-Leaf Roller | #318 |
Maulin Monroe | #36DD |
Fully Addomatic | #44 |
5 Scar Jeneral | #5 |
Lady Fury | #5FT3 |
Ramb0 Samb0 | #M60 |
Sexy Slaydie | #68C |
Olive Turmoyl | #8008 |
Jersey Jackhammer | #808 |
Slammylou Harris | #99 |
Memphis Roster
Brooken Bones (MRD) | #911 |
Memphomaniac | #1 |
Bloody Elle | #1134 |
Robin da Points | #1 |
Ragin Caucasian | #213 |
Chica Bandita | #23 |
Lil Cinner | #24 |
Tenacious B | #28 |
Rolls Royce | #314 |
Bad Juju (MRD) | #74 |
Cat Claus | #79 |
Bella Trixx | #DV8 |
Jill 'Em All | #808 |
Irene Business | #95 |
Miss Trie | Head |
Seer Sin | Jam |
Fester | Jam |
Refe LePew | IPR |
Pak Rat | OPR |
Kitty Delucks | OPR |
Jessticular Fortitude | OPR |
  |   |