Renegade (WINNER)
Quebec (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Renegade (WINNER)
Quebec (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Renegade (WINNER)
Quebec (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Renegade (WINNER)
Quebec (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Quebec Roster
Mitsou Bitchy | #2 |
Jean Bond | #4 |
Benoite Sex-Teen | #16 |
Booty Allen | #27 |
Edith Butler Q | #33 |
So-Viet | #333 |
Normande Glamour | #85 |
Dur a Queer | #99 |
Beat'on The Quads | #242 |
Mobydith | #418 |
Nana Bistouri | #911 |
Feline Dion | #2517 |
Douche Nukem | #I8U |
Lapi Knock U | #K0 |
Miko Methface | #14 |
Dina Myth | #C4 |
Renegade Roster
Red Hot | #2 |
Zombabe | #26 |
Daemon Star | #88 |
Stringer | #222 |
Terry Bomb | #62 |
MadMegz | #420 |
Dezz STROYHer | #604 |
Renny Rumble | #1205 |
Mad Cow Tipper | #1212 |
Smoka-Cola | #1886 |
BelleFast | #5678 |
Randy-Roll-Lin | #A535 |
Mandi Blaze | #HC7 |
My Ref Nut | IPR |
RefStar | IPR |
Harrassin' Ford | Jam |
Parking Lot | Jam |
Schticky Nicky | OPR |
Stevel Knievel | OPR |
Joe "The Lock" Smith | OPR |
  |   |