Bay Area (WINNER)
Sacred (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Bay Area (WINNER)
Sacred (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Bay Area (WINNER)
Sacred (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Bay Area (WINNER)
Sacred (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Sacred Roster
Neill N Weep | #1 |
Chica Loca | #14 |
Cash Money | #15 |
Slingshot | #16 |
Judy Jettison | #2010 |
Mathemortian | #3 |
4Closer | #44 |
La Locahontas | #5150 |
Daddy's Girl | #53 |
Razor Grrl | #381 (7x) |
Shadow Soldier | #74 |
Foxy Knoxy | #777 |
Malevolent | #789 |
Buckaroo Bonzai | #808 |
Bay Area Roster
Liza Machete | #1 |
Astronaughty | #C |
Windigo Jones | #1491 |
BooYaYa! | #16 |
Velveteen Savage | #1618 |
belle RIGHT hooks | #1619 |
Sugar Pusher | #170c |
Chantilly Mace | #26 |
Burlybot | #333 |
Trixie Pixie | #360 |
Lusty Malice | #4 |
Aunti Christ | #666 |
Friskie Meow | #7 |
Jane Hammer | #777 |
Hunter Stompson | head/inside |
HomoEjectus | inside pack |
Collides Dale | jam |
That One Ref | jam |
All Nate Long | outside pack |
JeanLuc Packguard | outside pack |
Sexy Beast | outside pack |