Santa Cruz (WINNER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Santa Cruz (WINNER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Santa Cruz (WINNER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Santa Cruz (WINNER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
FoCo Roster
Callista Chaos | #0 |
Rox Yorr Soxov | #125 |
Double D-Struction | #187 |
C'est la Vixen | #1917 |
Texas Chainsaw Mascara | #1974 |
Raven Luna C | #22 |
Mary Poppin Caps | #45 |
iona Switchblade | #55 |
Sally Terry Confinement | #6 |
Slamma Jamma | #65 |
Princess of Wails | #8008 |
LAs Finest | #818 |
Aimee Armalite | #AR15 |
Joyful Disjointher | #JX3 |
Santa Cruz Roster
Liv N Letdie | #007 |
Cleopatra Catastrophe | #10 |
Hell Louise | #1384 |
Lulu Lockjaw | #21 |
Ida Blacksheep | #23 |
Queen Litigious | #41 |
Pippi Hard Socking | #45 |
Maiden Hades | #5150 |
Foxee Firestorm | #55 |
Candie Hooligan | #69 |
Raven Von Kaos | #76 |
Shamrock N Roller | #8 |
Angelina Rolie | #91 |
Bella Trixx | #DV8 |
Per 1 | Per 2 | Total | Maj Pen | |
FoCo | 17 | 23 | 40 | 23 |
Santa Cruz | 117 | 92 | 209 | 19 |
Necromancer | HR |
Ref Fried Beans | JR |
Texas TeaBag | JR |
Billy Motion | IPR |
Scooter | OPR |
Skarre Bomb | OPR |
Pippi Long2boxU | OPR |