Denver (WINNER)
Bay Area (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Denver (WINNER)
Bay Area (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Denver (WINNER)
Bay Area (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Denver (WINNER)
Bay Area (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Bay Area Roster
Demanda Riot | #000 |
Slaybia Majora | #0hh |
Astronaughty | #C |
belle RIGHT hooks | #1619 |
Sugar Pusher | #170c |
Chantilly Mace | #26 |
Psychoserapissed | #3017 |
Nock Nock | #32 |
Trixie Pixie | #360 |
Ivy Prophane | #500 |
Aunti Christ | #666 |
Friskie Meow | #7 |
Frank n Hurter (BADG) | #73 |
Brawllen Angel | #888 |
Denver Roster
Danica Dolezal | #10 |
Caitlin Krause | #12 |
Ariel Quigley | #1982 |
Monica Carson | #20 |
Andrea Hill | #262 |
Heather Juska | #303 |
Natalie Meagher | #33 |
November James | #357 |
Deirdre Sage | #5 |
Susie Long (S. H. Long) | #831 |
Vicky Cruz | #9 |
Gabrielle Begeman | #90 |
Teresa Rusk | #911 |
Tracy Akers | #99 |
Umpire Strikes Back | IPR |
Collin DeShotz | IPR |
Nigel Toughnails | Jam |
S.O. | Jam |
Toss'er Assout | OPR |
Hunter S. Tossem | OPR |
Wanton Rebellion | OPR |