Gotham (WINNER)
Atlanta (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Gotham (WINNER)
Atlanta (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Gotham (WINNER)
Atlanta (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Gotham (WINNER)
Atlanta (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Atlanta Roster
Rebel Yellow | #12AM |
Choke Cherry | #86 |
Queen Loseyateefa | #2LBU |
Belle of the Brawl | #1932 |
Jammunition | #50 |
Nattie Long Legs | #504 |
Wild Cherri | #6 |
Alassin Sane | #73 (1973) |
Ozzie Kamakazi | #747 |
Scout SnipeHer | #762 |
Bruze Orman | #850 |
Switchblade Siouxsie | #8979 |
Rudy Huxtabrawl | #9 |
Amelia Scareheart | #B52 |
Gotham Roster
Ana Bollocks | #00 |
OMG WTF | #753 |
Vicious van GoGo | #1853 |
Claire D. Way | #1984 |
Donna Matrix | #2 |
Fisti Cuffs (GGRD) | #241 |
Bonnie Thunders | #340 |
Violet Knockout | #4 |
Hyper Lynx | #404 |
Roxy Dallas | #41 |
Bonita Apple Bomb | #4500 |
Suzy Hotrod | #55 |
Sexy Slaydie | #68C |
Puss 'n Glutes | #999 Lives |
[No officials recorded
for this bout]