Brewcity (WINNER)
Ohio (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Brewcity (WINNER)
Ohio (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Brewcity (WINNER)
Ohio (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Brewcity (WINNER)
Ohio (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Ohio Roster
Lora Wayman (Outa My Wayman) | #10 |
Handle Barz | #100 |
Amy Spears | #1098 |
Kitty Liquorbottom | #12 |
Texas Chainsaw Sasskicker | #19 |
Dixie Heartless | #214 |
kill basa | #216 |
Phoenix Bunz | #23 |
Pippi Ripyourstockings | #5150 |
HellionBoi | #5459 |
Loraine Acid | #59 |
Bigg Rigg | #815 |
Paige Bleed | #O125 |
Wendra Woman | #W2 |
Brewcity Roster
Bloody Cupcake | #0 |
Servin Justice | #02 |
Scooter | #1KCC |
Strykher (BCB) | #14 |
Frank Hurt'er (BCB) | #216 |
Carrie A. Hacksaw | #24 |
Romaniac | #30 |
EmFatale | #31 |
Betty Clobber | #425 |
High D Voltage | #60kV |
Moby Nipps | #68 |
Zotay | #716 |
Rejected Seoul | #78 |
Carabunga | #8 |
Dr. Vroom | Inside Pack |
Umpire Strikes Back | Inside Pack |
Jason Singer | Jam Ref |
Null Ptr Ref | Jam Ref |
Code Adam | Outside Pack |
Sir Osis | Outside Pack |
Whistler | Outside Pack |
Howie Swerve | Alternate |