Western Sydney (WINNER)
WestSide (Women's) (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Western Sydney (WINNER)
WestSide (Women's) (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Western Sydney (WINNER)
WestSide (Women's) (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Western Sydney (WINNER)
WestSide (Women's) (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Angel-Slay-Her | #006 |
Mollytov (WSR) | #1080 |
Opt-to-Miss Prime | #186 |
Howl'in Knight | #326 |
Newton's Nightmare | #44 |
Dobie Wan Kenobi | #4C |
Pixiematosis | #5 |
Hunny Punch | #52 |
D'Star Uction | #77 |
Sneaky Stackhouse | #8008 |
Pants (WSR) | #99 |
Centurion | #C6 |
Lightning Strike'Her | #SK8 (13X) |
Pow3er Pout | #W0W |
Fisti Cuffs (WSDD) | #10 |
Trippy Tarka | #108 |
Sly Diablo | #110 |
crotch candy | #114 |
Pandamonium (WS) | #C4 |
Crosby, Wheels & Smash | #127 |
Dozer | #12 |
Speedy Wasabi | #404 |
BloodyKell | #43 |
Raven (WSDD) | #666 |
LadyWood | #79 |
Goldie Blocks (WSDD) | #8 |
kaPOW | #903 |
LaurenOrder | #91 |
Per 1 | Per 2 | Total | Maj Pen | |
Western Sydney | 84 | 113 | 197 | 44 |
WestSide (Women's) | 86 | 80 | 166 | 57 |
Sintax | IPR |
Game Over | IPR |
Sax Cymbal | JR |
Jim Peccable | JR |
Izzy Fo'Real | OPR |
Bonedancer | OPR |
Knot Walking | OPR |
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