Cen-Tex (WINNER)
Soul City (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Cen-Tex (WINNER)
Soul City (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Cen-Tex (WINNER)
Soul City (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Cen-Tex (WINNER)
Soul City (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Rain | #0 |
Annie Oops | #06 |
Jackin' Jill | #2 |
JoJo Jitt | #202 |
Bacon Envy | #23 |
Mental Case | #24 |
Miami Ana-Mosity | #305 |
Misbehaven Rheaven | #333 |
Vicious Cycle | #360 |
Taco | #4 |
Chloe | #411 |
Mad D | #42 |
Zee | #636 |
GLT-Y | #70 |
Lacey | #86 |
April | #95 |
Lizzy Misfit | #99 |
TriXie Whiplash | #N-460 |
Kali Whacker | #WD40 |
Inskatiable | #020 |
Medusa Mischief | #0300 |
Asian Flush | #10 |
Kamikaze kilher | #100K |
Ethyl Agitate | #19 |
Squid Pro Quo | #26 |
MFN Lady | #38 |
Redonkulous | #40 |
Zig Zag | #420 |
Ivana Hitavich | #47 |
Hell2Pae | #4U |
Half-Pint Hellraiser | #5150 |
Mal Addiction | #55 |
Stikzabich | #5 |
BeatHer Pan | #69 |
Apocalypse Pony | #86 |
Lady Hotspur | #9 |
Keely Haul | #DD75 |
[No officials recorded
for this bout]