Calgary (WINNER)
E-Ville (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Calgary (WINNER)
E-Ville (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Calgary (WINNER)
E-Ville (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Calgary (WINNER)
E-Ville (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Calgary Roster
Scarla Maim | #11 |
Kris Myass | #1116 |
anNa Molly | #183 |
Novel Blonde | #21 |
Preacher's Slaughter | #238 |
Slamazon | #29 |
Easy Break Oven | #302 |
sin-e-star | #306 |
Taz (RDRDA) | #29 |
BOSWELL | #535 |
Diesel | #66 |
Knox Hersoxoff | #747 |
ANN NARKY | #94 |
E-Ville Roster
Timber | #18 |
Rip Kurl | #180 |
DMENTED | #19 |
Breaking Babz | #2 |
Belle Rebelle | #21 |
Chernobyl (EVRD) | #235 |
Shania Pain | #521 |
Bloody Cooper | #29 |
Tuf Luv | #333 |
Razz | #68 |
Tron (EVRD) | #8 |
Sour Cherry | #u812 |
Hell 'on Keller | #89 |
Be Pressure | #5UP |
Wonkey Kong | (Crew) Head Non-Skating Official |
SNOW MERCY | Penalty Tracker |
Coral Grief | Penalty Wrangler |
DEMANDREA | Inside Whiteboard Operator |
Wonkey Kong | Jam Timer |
Unchained Malady | Scorekeeper |
BIG DOGG | Scorekeeper |
FIX'ER | Scoreboard Operator |
MASK HER RAID | Penalty Box Manager |
Viv The Shiv | Penalty Box Timer |
BOOTSTRAP BETTY | Penalty Box Timer |
SCRAPPY HOOKER | Lineup Tracker (paper) |
GYPSY JO | Lineup Tracker (paper) |
James Dalgetty (Dixon Syder) | Head Referee |
Pamtera | Inside Pack Referee |
DICK DAFONE | Jammer Referee |
JEFFTIMUS | Jammer Referee |
ORGAN BROKE'HER | Outside Pack Referee |
YABBY | Outside Pack Referee |
Cowboy | Outside Pack Referee |
PINSTRIPES | Referee Alternate |