RDC: Les Petroleus... (WINNER)
Les Succubes (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
RDC: Les Petroleus... (WINNER)
Les Succubes (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
RDC: Les Petroleus... (WINNER)
Les Succubes (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
RDC: Les Petroleus... (WINNER)
Les Succubes (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Flash MacGueen | #2 |
Freaky Mower | #21 |
Frac'Ass | #24 |
Buffy | #27 |
Doll'Art | #3 |
Panda WTF | #3003 |
Gi Jane | #44 |
Dédé Struction | #66 |
Starschneck Trooper | #67 |
Titipet'Okask | #68 |
Green Fury | #8 |
Lilith Spirit | #85 |
Mini Bliss | #90 |
SpeedyLyne | #971 |
Pocahantrax | #1461 |
Doudoumyers | #18 |
FISH & HIPS | #212 |
Odd Ray of Light | #218 |
Chère Loque | #221 |
Biza Rella | #28 |
Zombie Jawa | #42 |
Sugarplum Feisty | #474 |
Kali Knox | #999 |
Per 1 | Per 2 | Total | Maj Pen | |
Les Succubes | 49 | 75 | 124 | 38 |
RDC: Les Petroleus... | 115 | 109 | 224 | 19 |
La Puce Tulle | (Crew) Head Non-Skating Official |
La Puce Tulle | Penalty Tracker |
Louis | Penalty Wrangler |
Skull | Inside Whiteboard Operator |
Charlie | Jam Timer |
Greg | Scorekeeper |
Pare-chocs Cayenne / Breizh Pam | Scorekeeper |
McChicane | Scoreboard Operator |
Zebra HeadHunter | Penalty Box Manager |
Lemon Jools | Penalty Box Timer |
Odore Della Morte | Penalty Box Timer |
Sindy | Lineup Tracker (paper) |
Sergent Major Morrigan | Lineup Tracker (paper) |
Angus | Head Referee |
Cara Mazov | Inside Pack Referee |
Tomtom | Jammer Referee |
Kyomi | Jammer Referee |
Obéix | Outside Pack Referee |
Dragon Call Zèbre | Outside Pack Referee |
La Môme PAF ! | Outside Pack Referee |