Gem City (WINNER)
Garden State (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Gem City (WINNER)
Garden State (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Gem City (WINNER)
Garden State (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Gem City (WINNER)
Garden State (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Gem City Roster
Willy Nilly | #4038 |
Pain Train | #R11R |
Supersonic | #768 |
Tara Hole-Inu | #101 |
Heartless Glitch | #1337 |
K Lethal | #18 |
T.O. | #247 |
Reckless Ratchet | #3 |
Demented Damsel | #34 |
Racey Rocker | #ALL4 |
Hot Wheels Houlihan | #4077 |
Venomenon | #43 |
Beast Mode | #666 |
Lady Deathlock | #84 |
Kurlie Knox | #937 |
Garden State Roster
Tess T Rossa | #12 |
Lixxie Stixx | #121 |
Hodan | #126 |
Double Tuf Oreo | #161 |
K-LOSSAL | #19 |
Banana Sassin | #213 |
Lethal Holloway | #31 |
Soco (GSR) | #355 |
Jheri Kill | #360 |
Voldeloxx | #394 |
Toni Soprano | #4 |
Koopa Troopa | #624 |
Easthell Getty | #78 |
Ozzie Clobberpot | #910 |
Payne Gretzky | #99 |
Anita Chainsaw | #992 |
Per 1 | Per 2 | Total | Maj Pen | |
Gem City | 73 | 84 | 157 | 34 |
Garden State | 65 | 71 | 136 | 31 |
Tights McGee | (Crew) Head Non-Skating Official |
Tights McGee | Penalty Tracker |
Michael Mitton | Penalty Wrangler |
Killah Beezus | Jam Timer |
Julius Freezer | Scorekeeper |
Mariah Scary | Scorekeeper |
Queen Kicktoria | Scorekeeper |
Veronica Scars | Scoreboard Operator |
Mariah Scary | Scoreboard Operator |
Fatal Exception | Penalty Box Manager |
Mistress Grim | Penalty Box Timer |
Rule Book Her | Penalty Box Timer |
Fantasmic | Lineup Tracker (paper) |
Yours TruLeigh | Lineup Tracker (paper) |
Queen Kicktoria | Non-Skating Official Alternate |
Veronica Scars | Non-Skating Official Alternate |
SO, SK, & ALT switched positions in 2nd period | |
due to SO having asthma attack during game. | |
Ref in Peace | Head Referee |
Karma Zabitch | Inside Pack Referee |
Dick Move | Jammer Referee |
Samiracle | Jammer Referee |
Scissors | Outside Pack Referee |
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