Cherry City (WINNER)
Shasta (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Cherry City (WINNER)
Shasta (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Cherry City (WINNER)
Shasta (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Cherry City (WINNER)
Shasta (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Jessi Juke | #124 |
Vonda Kut-A-Vitch | #137 |
Tara Bull | #1821* |
Freak Anna Leash | #21 |
Slappa Ho | #243 |
Scandallace | #247* |
Meyham Murphy | #35 |
Krashn Burn | #4 |
Ruthless Redneck | #416 |
Swift D. Mize | #42 |
Abuzement | #43 |
Stranger Danger | #971 |
Betty Bolts | #889 |
Sin (SRD) | #89* |
Tanker Bell (SRD) | #976 |
Anita Frisk | #00 |
Ms Pummel Her | #007 |
Jab-her'jaws (CCDG) | #12 |
Mel Liscious Intentions | #163 |
Juno Nothin' | #179 |
Eco Terrorist | #20* |
Lil Bratney | #207 |
Flossy | #29 |
Charm School Reject | #34 |
First Class Azz | #44 |
Pain Cake | #451 |
Little Miss Mayhem | #4795 |
Tiny Tank | #5 |
Fifty Shades of Cray | #50 |
Mo Cox | #81 |
Va Voom Va Vet | #97 |
Per 1 | Per 2 | Total | Maj Pen | |
Shasta | 75 | 126 | 201 | 43 |
Cherry City | 144 | 156 | 300 | 38 |
[No officials recorded
for this bout]