Med City (WINNER)
Babe City (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Med City (WINNER)
Babe City (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Med City (WINNER)
Babe City (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Med City (WINNER)
Babe City (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Med City Roster
Patience Zero | #0 |
Nurse RachHit | #007 |
Langer Danger | #1288 |
Sweet n Nasty | #13 |
Spaztik Pepper | #23 |
Loose Kannen | #240 |
The Mad Catter | #345 |
Füry Elise | #42 |
MexiCan MangleHer | #55 |
Nicole Rusch | #608 |
Jessicutioner | #702 |
Knock Knock Knuckles | #79 |
Divastator | #80 |
Babe City Roster
Tootie Brewty | #05 |
Fine Day Fury | #1491 |
Wicked Vixen | #1724 |
Good Night Irene | #26 |
Assaulty MisDemeanor | #365 |
Nerdzilla | #4 |
Fire n Ice | #71 |
Bohemian Bombshell | #76 |
The Wheel McCoy | #80 |
Oh-No-Jo-Jo | #9 |
Thistle Thrasher | #99 |
[No officials recorded
for this bout]