Manchester (WINNER)
Nottingham (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Manchester (WINNER)
Nottingham (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Manchester (WINNER)
Nottingham (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Manchester (WINNER)
Nottingham (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Nottingham Roster
Gem Aargh | #00 |
Coco | #P0P5 |
Sufferkate | #108 |
Hell 'n' Back | #11 |
Blockingjay | #D13 |
Hell For Leather | #1318 |
Fran Solo | #*152 |
Tormaydo | #16 |
Lauren Forcement | #S20 |
Rox N Roll | #21 |
Greek Frightening | #300 |
Tricerapops | #*308 |
Fenyn | #43 |
Immort-holl | #*492 |
Deezus | #50 |
Buckland | #58 |
Nicky Situation | #628 |
Natastrophe | #72 |
Cam-pain | #*77 |
Manchester Roster
Turbo Tyke | #0101 |
Pinky Fingaz | #101 |
Minx | #13 |
Witchy | #13 |
The Incredible Ish | #15H |
Nippi Hedren | #1963 |
DeCoy | #23 |
Price | #3 |
Dipmo | #41 |
Spozilla | #*411 |
Rusty Bullet | #414 |
Selina Vile | #42 |
Roxy Toxin | #481 |
Ruthless Roller | #R2 |
Feral Fairy | #O (10) |
Holly | #619 |
Booty Treatment | #655 |
Lightning Holt | #200M |
Kameha | #*9001 |
Per 1 | Per 2 | Total | Maj Pen | |
Nottingham | 51 | 50 | 101 | 31 |
Manchester | 100 | 109 | 209 | 33 |
Honor Rampage | (Crew) Head Non-Skating Official |
Honor Rampage | Penalty Tracker |
Lauren Smackall | Inside Whiteboard Operator |
Boombox Boudica | Jam Timer |
Circle Jerk | Scorekeeper |
Julius SeesYa | Scorekeeper |
Robert Lawrence | Scoreboard Operator |
Bubble | Penalty Box Manager |
Rita Skatesworth | Penalty Box Timer |
Tracy Sutton | Penalty Box Timer |
Katie-astrophie | Lineup Tracker (paper) |
Driedal | Lineup Tracker (paper) |
Rocky | Head Referee |
Quads Law | Inside Pack Referee |
Rollin' Rat | Jammer Referee |
Manarchy | Jammer Referee |
Ref Metal | Outside Pack Referee |
Skabarella | Outside Pack Referee |
MC | Outside Pack Referee |
Major Lee Strict | Referee Alternate |