Twin Cities Terror... (WINNER)
Sydney City SMASH (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Twin Cities Terror... (WINNER)
Sydney City SMASH (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Twin Cities Terror... (WINNER)
Sydney City SMASH (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Twin Cities Terror... (WINNER)
Sydney City SMASH (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Sydney City SMASH Roster
Ash Page | #11 |
Skateslinger | #1261 |
Stunt Muffin | #19 |
Bruse Scramble | #3650 |
Regan | #5 |
Tomahawk | #8 |
Jim Peccable | #86 |
KP | #89 |
Twin Cities Terror... Roster
Derbie Monster | #00 |
Paul of Duty | #0405 |
E. Nigma | #2 |
Slamurai Jack | #26 |
York | #27 |
Carl Marxman | #308 |
Jammit Dim | #31 |
Ninja Pony | #373 |
Fire Wally | #404 |
Egon Strangler | #42 |
Marine One | #53 |
Merlin | #540 |
Baron Von Beans | #609 |
Sampson (MMRD) | #66 |
smalls (MMRD) | #67 |
N8ers gonna N8 | #88 |
Skater X | #9 |
Per 1 | Per 2 | Total | Maj Pen | |
Sydney City SMASH | 30 | 36 | 66 | 27 |
Twin Cities Terror... | 133 | 141 | 274 | 29 |
geoknitter | (Crew) Head Non-Skating Official |
Nine Inch Wheels | Penalty Tracker |
geoknitter | Penalty Wrangler |
Snarkimedes | Jam Timer |
Torquemama | Scorekeeper |
Ice Queen | Scorekeeper |
DominA-sha | Scoreboard Operator |
UltraViolent Blu | Penalty Box Manager |
Artie FM | Penalty Box Timer |
Twinki Darfur | Penalty Box Timer |
Count Stephanos | Lineup Tracker |
Pyro the Dragon | Lineup Tracker |
Luscious Malfoy | Non-Skating Official Alternate |
Topper Bottom | Head Referee |
Kat A Killzem | Inside Pack Referee |
Matt S Faction | Jammer Referee |
Maria Von Slapp | Jammer Referee |
Oliver Pist | Outside Pack Referee |
Bambi Lance | Outside Pack Referee |
MC Ninja | Outside Pack Referee |
Seer Sin | Referee Alternate |