Sacred (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Sacred (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Sacred (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Sacred (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Sacred Roster
Cash Money | #15 |
Evil Shenanigans | #13 |
Tactical Nuclear Penguin | #1092 |
Slap Jack | #22 |
Dirty~8~Special | #38 |
4Closer | #44 |
Miss Behaved | #425 |
Neill N Weep | #1 |
Axel Breaker | #23 |
Xerox | #573 |
Annie Anklebiter | #113 |
Mazel Tough Cocktail | #200 |
R. Tillery | #4K8 |
Jessamine Killawatts | #7808 |
Rose Roster
White Flight | #54 |
Jamie True (JK Rolling) | #93 |
KicKassedy | #11 |
Frank n Hurter (BADG) | #73 |
Mel Mangles | #5 |
SoulFearic Acid | #20 |
The Blast Unicorn | #17h |
Scrappy Go Lucky | #94 |
Heidi Go Seek | #210 |
Megan Moffatt (French Tickler) | #2 |
Joyride | #360 |
Chicken Time Bomb | #66 |
Penny Dreadful | #47 |
Texine | #3B |
[No officials recorded
for this bout]