Humboldt (WINNER)
Lava City (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Humboldt (WINNER)
Lava City (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Humboldt (WINNER)
Lava City (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Humboldt (WINNER)
Lava City (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Anya Az | #1 |
Disableher | #10 |
Little Savage Delight | #107 |
Panty Drop-her (LCRD) | #123 |
Mack Truck | #270 |
Dee Moralizer | #357 |
Screamin' Meanie | #44 |
Stinker | #55 |
Bad Assitude | #5150 |
Knicker Blocker | #8 |
Mudslinger | #83 |
Volatyle | #86 |
Quad Radical | #88 |
Cutt Throat Callie | #969 |
Sissy Jr. | #x0 |
Grrrl Haggard | #101 |
Anya the Bunny Slayer | #1111 |
Vilain Thomas | #14 |
Locked Up | #187 |
Lil' Scarlett DiSonya | #25 |
McNasty | #34 |
Anti Hero | #40 |
Rust E Machete | #7 |
Jenneral Ms. Chief | #72 |
Ruckus | #77 |
Jule Injection | #8 |
Dirty Delinkwent | #81 |
Bugsy Bruiser | #86 |
Devil'n Durga | #21 |
PoiSIN CanDIE | #50 |
Delia Damage | Head |
Sexy Beast | IPR |
BiPola Lola | Jam |
Ray Charles | Jam |
Stef Leppard | OPR |
Kiss My Axe | OPR |
Ref Gordon | OPR |
Raven Maniac | Wrangler |