Detroit (WINNER)
Kansas City (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Detroit (WINNER)
Kansas City (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Detroit (WINNER)
Kansas City (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Detroit (WINNER)
Kansas City (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Detroit Roster
Honey Suckit | #1974 |
Spanish Ass'assin | #223 |
boo d. livers | #247 |
Racer McChaseHer | #28 |
Bruisie Siouxxx | #303 |
Cookie Rumble | #333 |
Feta Sleeze | #45 |
Fatal Femme | #46 |
Elle McFearsome | #6 |
Lazer Beam | #620 |
Ally Sin Shoverland | #666 |
Ghetto Barbie | #8 |
Cool Whip (DDG) | #N20 |
Genniferal | #W00T |
Kansas City Roster
Enigma | #10 |
Annie Maul | #111 |
Evolution | #2012 |
Bruz-Her | #244 |
Hypersmacktivity | #314 |
Ida Know Squat | #411 |
Red Ripper | #42 |
Damsel of D'Tension | #44 |
Trauma | #5 |
Track Rat | #69 |
Tuff Noogies | #84 |
Black Ice | #8ZZ |
Jade Lightning | #816 |
JamaLamaDingDong | #913 |
Per 1 | Per 2 | Total | Maj Pen | |
Detroit | 107 | 87 | 194 | 42 |
Kansas City | 81 | 110 | 191 | 33 |
Manosaur | HR/IPR |
Killlgore Trout | OPR |
Kurz So Good | IPR |
Reverend HellifIknow | Jam |
Smackswell Smart | OPR |
Rocky MountHer | OPR |
Eff'n Ref | Jam |
  |   |