BAD: Richmond Wrec... (WINNER)
West Coast Knockou... (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Created with Raphaël18012114223143233242735557356723578643890479994710103471112847121504713ScoreJamPeriod 1Period 2
BAD: Richmond Wrec... (WINNER)
West Coast Knockou... (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Created with Raphaël1817293948522637743843952105611811210313ScoreJamPeriod 1Period 2
BAD: Richmond Wrec... (WINNER)
West Coast Knockou... (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Created with Raphaël181143223184345306157814844991041125122213ScoreJamPeriod 1Period 2
BAD: Richmond Wrec... (WINNER)
West Coast Knockou... (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Created with Raphaël181112231841530615768991041125122213ScoreJamPeriod 1Period 2

Steel Toed Diva#14
Fanny Smackiao#147
Geni Sydal#187
Gwen Tsunami#19
Loni Lock N Load#20
Hoodie Ninja#225
Sasha Fierce#25
Fearless Bueller#26
Fate'l Crush#28
T-Stop Onya#681
Sugar Free#723
Demanda Riot#000
Thin Lizzy#10
Eva Menace#2020
Little Miss Masochist#22
Diva Negativa#23
Baron Von Punchausen#238
Chiquita Bonanza#323
Razor Grrl#381 (7x)
Amanda Jamitinya#9
Cutya Cackoff#FU2
T-Wrecks (BADG)#T2
Per 1Per 2TotalMaj Pen
West Coast Knockou...474713
BAD: Richmond Wrec...15015015

Phillip McCrevasseHead Ref
All Nate LongInside Pack Ref
Master deSkaterJammer Ref
Sound GuardianJammer Ref
Sweep the Leg JohnnyOutside Pack Ref
Y.I. OtterOutside Pack Ref
Rave N BusterOutside Pack Ref
CraigsfistOutside Pack Ref