Texas (WINNER)
Denver (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Texas (WINNER)
Denver (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Texas (WINNER)
Denver (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Texas (WINNER)
Denver (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Shortcut (TXRG) | #02 |
Olivia Shootin' John | #03 |
FiFi Nomenon | #108 |
DeBella DeBall | #12 |
Barbara Ambush | #1600 |
Molotov M. Pale | #19 |
Polly Gone | #22 |
Bloody Mary (TXRG) | #30 (40) |
Headless Highness | #319 |
Luce Bandit | #33 (1934) |
Smarty Pants | #5 |
Hauss the Boss | #55 |
Flash Gorgeous (TXRG) | #9x2 |
Sarah Hipel (Killbox) | #989 |
Kiki Ur Haz | #0 |
Cathey | #1125 |
Salvador | #129 |
Julie Adams (Angela Death) | #19 |
Ariel Quigley | #1982 |
Krystal Sprouse (Gator Dunn) | #270 |
Krisana Barrett | #28 |
Shaina Serelson | #307 |
Lester | #314 |
Jessica Rivas | #350 |
Amanda Sharpless | #719 |
Susie Long (S. H. Long) | #831 |
Tracy Akers | #99 |
Stacie Wilhelm | #hiy0 |
Jonathan Lee | HR |
Kiss My Axe | IPR |
Eric Rawk | JR |
Judge Knot | JR |
Stabby McDudebro | OPR |
Statsi | OPR |
He-Bruise | OPR |
Ro$ Vega$ | ALT |