Denver (WINNER)
London (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Denver (WINNER)
London (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Denver (WINNER)
London (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Denver (WINNER)
London (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
London Roster
Lady Go-Go | #111 |
Stefanie Mainey | #13 |
jensykes | #179 |
Grievous Bodily Charm | #1984 |
Rogue Runner (LRG) | #22 |
Frightning Bolt | #33 |
Raw Heidi | #357 |
Knickerblocker Glory (LRG) | #44 |
Olivia Coupe | #51 |
Lexi Lightspeed | #55 |
Shaolynn Scarlett | #888 |
Kamikaze Kitten | #9 |
Hell Vetica Black | #KT0 |
Kitty DeCapitate | #X0X0 |
Denver Roster
Cathey | #1125 |
Salvador | #129 |
Julie Adams (Angela Death) | #19 |
Ariel Quigley | #1982 |
Krystal Sprouse (Gator Dunn) | #270 |
Krisana Barrett | #28 |
Shaina Serelson | #307 |
Lester | #314 |
Jessica Rivas | #350 |
Deirdre Sage | #5 |
Amanda Sharpless | #719 |
Susie Long (S. H. Long) | #831 |
Tracy Akers | #99 |
Stacie Wilhelm | #hiy0 |
[No officials recorded
for this bout]