Atlanta (WINNER)
London (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Atlanta (WINNER)
London (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Atlanta (WINNER)
London (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Atlanta (WINNER)
London (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Lady Go-Go | #111 |
Stefanie Mainey | #13 |
jensykes | #179 |
Grievous Bodily Charm | #1984 |
Rogue Runner (LRG) | #22 |
Frightning Bolt | #33 |
Raw Heidi | #357 |
Knickerblocker Glory (LRG) | #44 |
Olivia Coupe | #51 |
Lexi Lightspeed | #55 |
Shaolynn Scarlett | #888 |
Kamikaze Kitten | #9 |
Hell Vetica Black | #KT0 |
Kitty DeCapitate | #X0X0 |
Hollicidal | #H864 |
Rebel Yellow | #12AM |
The Merchant of Menace | #1LB |
Queen Loseyateefa | #2LBU |
Belle of the Brawl | #1932 |
Jammunition | #50 |
Wild Cherri | #6 |
Alassin Sane | #73 (1973) |
Ozzie Kamakazi | #747 |
Scout SnipeHer | #762 |
Bruze Orman | #850 |
Switchblade Siouxsie | #8979 |
Agent Maulder | #X13 |
Amelia Scareheart | #B52 |
[No officials recorded
for this bout]