Dallas (WINNER)
Assassination (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Dallas (WINNER)
Assassination (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Dallas (WINNER)
Assassination (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Dallas (WINNER)
Assassination (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Assassination Roster
Ares Fury | #1 |
Necro Nancie | #1031 |
Melee Konfusion | #1111 |
Sparrow Dynamic | #130 |
In Harmz Way | #187 |
Stevie Nicks N Licks | #1981 |
Terror Pussiekat | #21 |
LaValley of Death | #2395 |
Streetcar Named Destruction | #2/7 |
Slayer Delilah | #3 |
Dirty Mouth Dell | #3355 |
Southern Vice | #44 |
Smack the Ripper | #5 |
Whispering Death | #455 |
Ursa Major | #99 |
Dallas Roster
Kimical Addiction | #09 |
Juice Box (DDD) | #1229 |
Brandi Danger | #13 |
Bunny Savage | #13 |
Anita Riot | #138 |
Punchy Brewster | #2020 |
Amazon Assassin | #222 |
Gillotine Grace | #235 |
Postal Penny | #41 |
OnRhea | #456 |
Nix Victim | #5510 |
Weapon X | #666 |
Whisky Hangover | #76 |
Rhinestone Callgirl | #8 |
Debbie Downer | #97 |
Planet of the Skates | #P420 |
Per 1 | Per 2 | Total | Maj Pen | |
Assassination | 60 | 101 | 161 | 18 |
Dallas | 144 | 118 | 262 | 27 |
Jesse Jackass | HR |
Wakko | JR |
War Kitten | JR |
SpiderPirate | IPR |
Tink R. Kill | OPR |
Hard G | OPR |
Rosham Bill | OPR |
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