Tampa (WINNER)
Ohio (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Tampa (WINNER)
Ohio (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Tampa (WINNER)
Ohio (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Tampa (WINNER)
Ohio (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Ana Cheng | #06 |
Smooth Operator (TRD) | #101 |
Lily the Kid | #138 |
PhDiesel | #2 |
Laryn Kill | #20 |
Lunch Lady | #212 |
Panty Bandit | #68 |
Slayor Moon (QMC) | #67 |
Taz Maniac (TRD) | #7 |
Painguin | #714 |
Tic Tac Toni | #X0 |
Alli-kat Scratch | #9 |
Little A | #90 |
Trip McNeely | #92 |
Paige Bleed | #O125 |
Lora Wayman (Outa My Wayman) | #10 |
Amy Spears | #1098 |
Jesse Ava Tarr Fox | #1101 |
Kitty Liquorbottom | #12 |
Texas Chainsaw Sasskicker | #19 |
Val Holla | #2 |
The Smacktivist | #365 |
HellionBoi | #5459 |
Bigg Rigg | #815 |
KloverKill | #99 |
Ena Flash | #ICU2 |
[No officials recorded
for this bout]