Denver (WINNER)
Atlanta (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Denver (WINNER)
Atlanta (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Denver (WINNER)
Atlanta (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Denver (WINNER)
Atlanta (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Rebel Yellow | #12AM |
Baller Shot Caller | #143 |
Choke Cherry | #86 |
Axtual Malice | #1964 |
Afro Dykee | #213 |
Madditude Adjustment | #23 |
Slams McKenzie | #247 |
Trouble MakeHer | #33 |
Lez Dispenser | #L3Z |
Nattie Long Legs | #504 |
Wild Cherri | #6 |
Queen Loseyateefa | #2LBU |
Switchblade Siouxsie | #8979 |
Rudy Huxtabrawl | #9 |
Salvador | #129 |
Lorch | #1911 |
Stacie Wilhelm | #hiy0 |
Dew | #27 |
Krisana Barrett | #28 |
Kit Dezellem (Kamilla BloodSpilla) | #187 |
Garton | #37 |
Amanda Sharpless | #719 |
Bijou Angeli | #75 |
Ariel Quigley | #1982 |
Susie Long (S. H. Long) | #831 |
Thornes | #98 |
Tracy Akers | #99 |
[No officials recorded
for this bout]