[fts] 1234th (344.2) +15.5 [fts] 1461st (320.2) -15.5
York City (WINNER)
Southern Delaware (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Created with Raphaël991121821222318344184351857618577276584176944801044801144801244841344881454881559881659881759108185912619641262077130218214122891431891522941523941524941615941616971657101165810416591041651010416511109170121091721310917514117196151172011611820517118210181182151912321520146219211462212215922923ScoreJamPeriod 1Period 2
York City (WINNER)
Southern Delaware (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Created with Raphaël162103164255396397388359361036113612401344143415291629174918671962205321592254163258358467567668764861961106111611263136614791584168717921897199220732175227023ScoreJamPeriod 1Period 2
York City (WINNER)
Southern Delaware (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Created with Raphaël9919324312649514678981114943101112413414101551617201818195204132111522271925349564374839101155122133142181551641175185195204232122281323ScoreJamPeriod 1Period 2
York City (WINNER)
Southern Delaware (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Created with Raphaël16243649514671839110111241341410155161720181819520921622519253495617483910111221331413155163175185195201921222523ScoreJamPeriod 1Period 2

York City Roster
Ratchet (YCDD)#11
Ruby Wrecker#13
Reaping Beauty#17
Pair O' Docs#222
Sundress Bangs#437
Kitty Whipped#47
French Thwarter#504
Necrotic Neurotic#66
Awe Shux#79
Toxic Sugar#812
Just Kendra#96
Brazen Booty#242
Lizzy Stardust#907
Rash Kicker#08
Whipping Angel#10
Gorelee Girl#138
Calamity Roo#42
Double Treble#440
Racey Anthony#486
Brute E. Licious#616
Princess Bubblegunz#687
Peacock Envy#711
Copa KaBANGya#8
Pussycat Mauls#9
Per 1Per 2TotalMaj Pen
York City1418822939
Southern Delaware827715929

Milla Choke A'Bitch(Crew) Head Non-Skating Official
Wendi BlessingPenalty Tracker
Milla Choke A'BitchPenalty Wrangler
Mimi ClarkInside Whiteboard Operator
Joshua HaleJam Timer
David KeithScorekeeper
WalnutzScoreboard Operator
Tights McGeePenalty Box Manager
Tweedle DamnPenalty Box Timer
Rob HammelPenalty Box Timer
Captain TripsLineup Tracker (paper)
Sarah FreidlandLineup Tracker (paper)
Matthew BlessingHead Referee
ScissorsInside Pack Referee
Rob U Blind!Jammer Referee
Splint EastwoodJammer Referee
Thistle B. PainfulOutside Pack Referee
Stumble WeedOutside Pack Referee
FixxitOutside Pack Referee