Nashville (WINNER)
Elevated (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Nashville (WINNER)
Elevated (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Nashville (WINNER)
Elevated (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Nashville (WINNER)
Elevated (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Ari D Onya | #1040 |
Killer Queen | #11 |
Carson B. Demented | #138 |
Hbomb | #15 |
Lickity Split (DCD) | #2 |
Tronsexual | #314 |
Max the Arctic Blast | #34 |
Led Zyppin | #711 |
Spittin Venom (DCD) | #79 |
Death Ro | #86 |
Kell's Inferno | #9 |
Elviramental | #H2O |
Brutalitar | #K9 |
Godjamit | #000 |
Mettapocalypse | #2012 |
Union Jack-U-Up | #10 |
Jennifer Smith | #11 |
Sugar Magmaulya | #1970 |
Slayla | #1970 |
Britches N' Hose | #308 |
Four-Leaf Roller | #318 |
Hildabeast | #33 |
Maulin Monroe | #36DD |
Curse Practitioner | #429 |
sHedonist | #615 |
Dani Doom | #77 |
Slammylou Harris | #99 |
Ramb0 Samb0 | #M60 |
Stampeedee Gonzales | #UN0 |
Ann T. Histamine | #0TC |
Devask8Her | #12 |
Major Wood | Head Ref |
Seer Sin | Jam Ref |
Panti-Christ | Jam Ref |
Cleveland | IP Ref |
Jessticular Fortitude | OP Ref |
Evil Eyes | OP Ref |
Zero | OP Ref |