Natural State (WINNER)
Wicked City (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Natural State (WINNER)
Wicked City (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Natural State (WINNER)
Wicked City (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Natural State (WINNER)
Wicked City (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Wicked City Roster
Ann T. Histamine | #0TC |
Pooter Smacker | #B1 |
X-Mental | #10 |
Dogpile | #11 |
Foxy Mauler | #X13 |
Heat Her Up | #180 |
Saigon Kiss | #24 |
Nuclear Holly Caust | #LL3 |
Rachel Rage | #12 |
Subjugator | #500 |
Bomb Run Brit | #B52 |
Soultaker | #R19 |
Vanilla Slice | #7108 |
Chewblocka | #1138 |
Smashley Taylor | #911 |
Niecey-maniac | #969 |
Natural State Roster
Owwie Kaplowie | #0 |
Driver (NWA) | #14 |
Funk You Up | #15 |
Carbomb | #C4 |
J Lowe Blow | #25 |
Karma Lectrack | #27 |
Unskinny Wop | #4 |
JoAnn of Arc | #407 |
Femme Faye-tal | #42 |
Jaims Maims | #47 |
Jett | #G6 |
Ash (NWA) | #630 |
Denialator | #850 |
Ginny Wheezy | #975 |
Per 1 | Per 2 | Total | Maj Pen | |
Wicked City | 27 | 63 | 90 | 23 |
Natural State | 71 | 94 | 165 | 16 |
Ninja Astatsin | (Crew) Head Non-Skating Official |
Steve Smith | Penalty Tracker |
Dan Rowe | Penalty Wrangler |
Ninja Astatsin | Jam Timer |
Artemis Prime | Scorekeeper |
Cosmic | Scorekeeper |
Bobbie Foster | Scoreboard Operator |
RoSlambo | Penalty Box Manager |
Hambone | Penalty Box Timer |
Venus | Penalty Box Timer |
Wendy Minaj | Lineup Tracker (paper) |
Tenacious B | Lineup Tracker (paper) |
John West | Head Referee |
High Voltage | Inside Pack Referee |
Killabit | Jammer Referee |
Nate | Jammer Referee |