[fts] 963rd (377.7) -18.6 [fts] 409th (456.4) +18.6
DDD: Death Row Rum... (WINNER)
DDD: High Seas Hot... (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Created with Raphaël4119121412342124421255412674127971681221691352410153281117940121974813218541425354152535716272581728159130873232585333898435210553721106402110743111084551109465110104791191149311912510134135301361454913615ScoreJamPeriod 1Period 2
DDD: Death Row Rum... (WINNER)
DDD: High Seas Hot... (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Created with Raphaël31822330430542662781810691111012511139121491316414199151961621417222123522403240424752626292732183459355103601137412376133941441315ScoreJamPeriod 1Period 2
DDD: Death Row Rum... (WINNER)
DDD: High Seas Hot... (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Created with Raphaël1415211532845126207423825981310418111226128181362114351531611917191142721217313134714552063072982491010914111412151713220141915ScoreJamPeriod 1Period 2
DDD: Death Row Rum... (WINNER)
DDD: High Seas Hot... (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Created with Raphaël315263284512620719825951014111412101315143515316181781132534751563072982491010511141221318141915ScoreJamPeriod 1Period 2

Acute Pain#1010
Melee Konfusion#1111
Terror Pussiekat#21
Cobra Lilly#213
Pixel Whip#300
Dirty Mouth Dell#3355
J Ho#35
Lucy Van Pelter#5
ScarLit SoSlammin#fu2
Bertha Mae Breakya#630
Saucy Screamer#6969
The Boss of Chaos#7181
Sage A. TEARian#75
Wreckliz N. Dangerous#5446
lavender velVET#1129
Diabla Pequena#9999
Devilish Dalyla#0
Bazooka Bubble Bum#1010
Black n' DeckHer#1009
Brandi Danger#13
Bourbon Barbie#16
Punchy Brewster#2020
Game Face#22
Fatal Crush#27
Miley Virus (DDD)#28
Karmen Getmeh (DDD)#33
Postal Penny#41
Luna Tick Tick Boom#4321
Raquel Belch#462
Fairy Painful#510
Whispering Death#455
Nix Victim#5510
Whiskey Hangover#76
Annie Wrecksion#9
Per 1Per 2TotalMaj Pen
DDD: High Seas Hot...587813636
DDD: Death Row Rum...27227754937

[No officials recorded for this bout]