Minnesota (WINNER)
Dallas (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Minnesota (WINNER)
Dallas (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Minnesota (WINNER)
Dallas (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Minnesota (WINNER)
Dallas (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Dallas Roster
Blakely | #00 |
Bazooka Bubble Bum | #1010 |
VietNomNoms | #24 |
Planet of the Skates | #P420 |
Juice Box (DDD) | #1229 |
Mrs. HerQlez | #127 |
Anita Riot | #138 |
The Little Murdermaid (DDD) | #702 |
Gillotine Grace | #235 |
Miley Virus (DDD) | #28 |
Great Wall of Gina | #4000 |
Animal Lee | #451 |
Jaims Maims | #47 |
Jett | #G6 |
Fischer | #52 |
Nix Victim | #5510 |
Cash Monstuh | #817 |
Myth America | #1982 |
Bayleigh Wheat | #9 |
Mona Bruis'R | #911 |
Minnesota Roster
Shock Therapy | #1400 |
Milham | #17 |
Diamond Rough | #1837 |
madrad | #808 |
Hal'Luci-Jen | #25 |
Scarmen Hellectra | #28 |
Jacked Pipes | #3 |
Manila Ice | #32 |
Crust Almighty | #40 |
Brickyard | #400 |
Polly Punchkin | #422 |
Sherman P. Sampson | #5 |
Shiver MeKimbers | #667 |
Bully Jean | #151 |
Hurtrude Stein | #727 |
Smoka Hontas | #8 |
Brutal Brit | #82 |
Rhea Volt | #84 |
Whacks Poetic | #86 |
Second Hand Smoke | #9 |
Mortricia | (Crew) Head Non-Skating Official |
Buenas Tardis | Penalty Tracker |
Mortricia | Penalty Wrangler |
Dragon Harass | Jam Timer |
Kelly Quintavalle | Scorekeeper |
Millie Brawl | Scorekeeper |
Ben Wa | Scoreboard Operator |
Stabby McNeedles | Penalty Box Manager |
Cunni | Penalty Box Timer |
Aggro Magnet | Penalty Box Timer |
Allie-Oops! | Lineup Tracker |
Joss Bleedin | Lineup Tracker |
Bambi Lance | Head Referee |
Seer Sin | Inside Pack Referee |
Oliver Pist | Jammer Referee |
McNinja | Jammer Referee |
Loren Order | Outside Pack Referee |
Killabit | Outside Pack Referee |
Julius Seizure | Outside Pack Referee |
PHDiva | Referee Alternate |