Your Mom (WINNER)
Misfits (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Your Mom (WINNER)
Misfits (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Your Mom (WINNER)
Misfits (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Your Mom (WINNER)
Misfits (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Heath Frazier | #00 |
Hunter Collins | #12 |
Jeremy Strecker | #19 |
Chuck Best | #1X |
TJ Binkley | #4 |
Jonny Wical | #42 |
Mark Sampadian | #43 |
Mike Cowart | #44 |
Jason Moseley | #45 |
Robert Howard | #6 |
Christopher Harrell | #69 |
Tim Kugler | #86 |
Derek Calkins | #8D |
Christopher Smith | #9 |
Mulato Madness | #1 |
B.S Smacker | #12 |
Dirty Larry | #1369 |
Tony Muse (Peter Pan) | #3 |
Stever | #96 |
James Olson (Lily Pad) | #4 |
Luke Story (Lil Bunny Foo Q) | #5 |
Tallyn Holtmeryer (Tallerina) | #50 |
Chris Burkard (Sugar Boots) | #6 |
Kip Irerland (Skatin Worshiper) | #65 |
Jason McDaniels (Seahorses Forever) | #7 |
Arsonl | #88 |
Frank Not Sohotra (Dante Muse) | #9 |
Ryan Dearth (Twinkle Toes) | #69 |
[No officials recorded
for this bout]