Wasatch (WINNER)
Tucson (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Wasatch (WINNER)
Tucson (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Wasatch (WINNER)
Tucson (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Wasatch (WINNER)
Tucson (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Tucson Roster
Kosma Nauti | #10 |
ROFL Copter | #1337 |
K'Mean Streak | #17 |
Metal Maiden | #1980 |
Pinky McLovin | #3 |
Pick Onia Pie | #314 |
Pixie Axe | #33 |
Mystery Meat | #717 |
Jilimanjaro | #82 |
Dirty Duchess | #86 |
Alabama Whirley | #88 |
Elektrassassin | #90 |
May Q. Pay | #99 |
Wasatch Roster
Penny Slain (WRD) | #128 |
Bruiser Ego | #13 |
Vulgar Vixen | #2323 |
Melanie Pfister | #333 |
Crystal Brawl | #39 |
Skull Candi | #5134 |
Bunz Bunny | #514 |
Skatey Gaga | #6 |
Moon Raker | #623 |
Tsunami Bombshell | #66 |
Colonel Skirts | #777 |
Harry Slaughter | #784 |
Lil N Gin | #9 |
Silence of the Jams | HR |
Phillip McCrevasse | JR |
PHDiva | JR |
Collin DeShotz | IPR |
Quitcha Bitchin | OPR |
Herr Brawl | OPR |
Pork Chop Express | OPR |
Scars Tuprovit | ALT |