Toronto (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Toronto (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Toronto (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Toronto (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Toronto Roster
Renny Rumble | #1205 |
Dusty | #2 |
Candy Crossbones | #2020 |
Motorhead Molly | #204 |
Dyna Hurtcha | #21 |
Betty Bomber | #23 |
Mega Mouth | #26 |
Jubilee | #27 |
Bruiseberry Pie | #31 |
Scarcasm | #204 |
Ames to Kill | #747 |
Kookie Doe | #807 |
Bala-Reina | #905 |
Panty Hoser | #99 |
Ohio Roster
Paige Bleed | #O125 |
Lora Wayman (Outa My Wayman) | #10 |
Amy Spears | #1098 |
Ava Tarr | #1101 |
Kitty Liquorbottom | #12 |
Sarah Bruce (Pearl Rogi) | #138 |
Texas Chainsaw Sasskicker | #19 |
Hop Devil | #67 |
The Smacktivist | #365 |
Burnadeath | #451 |
Sk8 Crime | #69 |
Loraine Acid | #59 |
Bigg Rigg | #815 |
Ena Flash | #ICU2 |
Statsi | HR |
Jules & Regulations | IPR |
Tawl Glass O'Wadda | JR |
Devine Intervention | JR |
Hobbit | OPR |
Patricide | OPR |
Parking Lot | OPR |
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