Detroit (WINNER)
Toronto (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Detroit (WINNER)
Toronto (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Detroit (WINNER)
Toronto (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Detroit (WINNER)
Toronto (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Detroit Roster
Off the Hook | #13 |
Kraken Whips | #20KN |
boo d. livers | #247 |
Racer McChaseHer | #28 |
Bruisie Siouxxx | #303 |
Cookie Rumble | #333 |
Tig O'Hitties | #38DD |
Meryl Slaughterburgh | #MGS4 |
Feta Sleeze | #45 |
Fatal Femme | #46 |
Lazer Beam | #620 |
Lost and Found | #70L |
U.S.S. DentHerPrize | #999 |
Turbulence | #M1 |
Toronto Roster
Renny Rumble | #1205 |
Dusty | #2 |
Candy Crossbones | #2020 |
Motorhead Molly | #204 |
Dyna Hurtcha | #21 |
Lady Gag'Ya | #212 |
Betty Bomber | #23 |
Jubilee | #27 |
Nasher the Smasher | #2X4 |
Bruiseberry Pie | #31 |
Scarcasm | #204 |
Kookie Doe | #807 |
Panty Hoser | #99 |
Tara Part | #L7 |
Duncan Disorderly | HR |
Riff Reff | IPR |
Meg Le Maniac | JR |
Cruel Hand Luke | JR |
Stubble Entendre | OPR |
Bully Hayes | OPR |
Tom O'Tottenham | OPR |
  |   |