Cologne (WINNER)
Karlsruhe (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Cologne (WINNER)
Karlsruhe (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Cologne (WINNER)
Karlsruhe (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Cologne (WINNER)
Karlsruhe (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Val Kyria | #1057 |
Arie Hell | #126 |
Effi Biest | #1896 |
Frau Hölle | #3 |
Assassin Zelda | #34S |
Rhonda Housekick | #360 |
Kate Moshpit | #42 |
Conny Rotten | #6 |
Miss D. Moan | #666 |
InA Rut | #8UNG |
Twister Sister | #97 |
Bad Wolf (RDK) | #K9 |
I.V. NixeN | #L82 |
D.I.E. Mudda | #M11 |
UpTheAntey | #13 |
Boom Chakalaka | #21 |
Lex Pistol | #22 |
Miss Terious | #24 |
christel mess | #26 |
Bambi Beat 'em Up! | #3 |
bash (CRD) | #31 |
Pyewicked | #3x3 |
Choca Loca | #49 |
Bingo! | #5X |
Roxy Roadkill | #87 |
Very Mett | #823 |
Blitzkrieg Kopp | #B52 |
KaTie NT | #C4 |
Old Maverick | HR |
Wonder Zebra | IPR |
Roger Rapid | JR |
Castor Fiber | JR |
Mighty Moral (e ) s | OPR |
Quadzibit | OPR |
Check Mate | OPR |
Foxx Tank | ALT |