Gotham (WINNER)
Philly (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Gotham (WINNER)
Philly (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Gotham (WINNER)
Philly (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Gotham (WINNER)
Philly (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Meryl Strip-her | #8 |
Mishel Castro (Violet Temper) | #06 |
Kilmartin | #15 |
Herrmann Monster | #152 |
Vanessa Sites | #1818 |
Devoida Mercy | #247 |
Legend of the Hit N Trample | #33 |
Tarantula | #401 |
Pop a Roach | #80 |
Teflon Donna | #85 |
Whacks Poetic | #86 |
Deb, Seriously | #9 |
Ginger Vitis | #933 |
Russian Bayou | #99 |
Short Stop | #6 |
OMG WTF | #753 |
Flo It All | #15 |
Fast and Luce | #17 |
Anne Frankenstein | #1818 |
Vicious van GoGo | #1853 |
Hela Skelter | #31 |
Caf Fiend | #314 |
Bonnie Thunders | #340 |
Violet Knockout | #4 |
Roxy Dallas | #41 |
Sexy Slaydie | #68C |
Fisher Twice | #8 |
Puss 'n Glutes | #999 Lives |
[No officials recorded
for this bout]