Charlottesville (WINNER)
Ithaca (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Charlottesville (WINNER)
Ithaca (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Charlottesville (WINNER)
Ithaca (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Charlottesville (WINNER)
Ithaca (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Ithaca Roster
Ruthless Vader Ginsburg | #107 |
Manda Tori Chaos | #1111 |
Ovarian Cyster | #12 |
Ha Ha Hatchet | #29 |
Dusa Damage | #2A |
Cold War | #03 |
Meaniac | #3186 |
Bunny LeBoutski | #42 |
Chrysteria | #46 |
Akt 47 | #47 |
Gorges Curves | #607 |
J Gray | #918 |
Nora Morse | #987 |
Thistle Thrasher | #99 |
Charlottesville Roster
Boom ShaketheRoom | #00 |
River Styx Phoenix | #11 |
Honey Nut Fury-o's | #111 |
The Big Bangarang | #138 |
B-one Bomber | #22 |
Apple Clobber | #314 |
Tippi Headlock | #35mm |
Forty Ounce Bounce | #40 |
Leeloo Dallas MultiSMASH (CDD) | #41 |
Stonewallup | #5 |
Miller-Miller | #606 |
Spank Puncherella | #77 |
Speed Junkie | #911 |
Mia Machete (CDD) | #95 |
Per 1 | Per 2 | Total | Maj Pen | |
Ithaca | 45 | 81 | 126 | 21 |
Charlottesville | 129 | 156 | 285 | 16 |
Le Corbruiseier | (Crew) Head Non-Skating Official |
Le Corbruiseier | Penalty Tracker |
Katie Thomas | Inside Whiteboard Operator |
Uncle Cranky | Jam Timer |
Hot Shotcaller | Scorekeeper |
Spike | Scorekeeper |
Short Stirrup | Scoreboard Operator |
HSS Goose | Penalty Box Manager |
Spider Wham | Penalty Box Timer |
Abersmashy | Penalty Box Timer |
Gem | Lineup Tracker (paper) |
Susan | Lineup Tracker (paper) |
O. Yoshi Dint | Head Referee |
Leftwrist Twist | Inside Pack Referee |
Bishop | Jammer Referee |
Art Vandalay | Jammer Referee |
Midwest Mess | Outside Pack Referee |
  |   |