Puget Sound (WINNER)
Twin Cities Terror... (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Puget Sound (WINNER)
Twin Cities Terror... (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Puget Sound (WINNER)
Twin Cities Terror... (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Puget Sound (WINNER)
Twin Cities Terror... (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Twin Cities Terror... Roster
Derbie Monster | #00 |
Paul of Duty | #0405 |
Dof Lensgren | #1850 |
David Smashelhoff | #2000 |
Tucker Smax | #23 |
Slamurai Jack | #26 |
Whiplash (MMRD) | #268 |
Carl Marxman | #308 |
Jammit Dim | #31 |
Fire Wally | #404 |
Egon Strangler | #42 |
Matterhorn | #78 |
Merlin | #540 |
Baron Von Beans | #609 |
Smash (MMRD) | #64 |
Sampson (MMRD) | #66 |
smalls (MMRD) | #67 |
Steve Sweat | #5 |
N8ers gonna N8 | #88 |
Knox Hedzin | #911 |
Puget Sound Roster
Scott Slamilton | #100 |
Thunderstruck | #11 |
Ryan Clegert (Ryrod) | #14 |
Vito Ramon | #2 |
Quadzilla (PSOD) | #23 |
Nugget (PSOD) | #24K |
Dylan Botts | #2468 |
Hollywood (PSOD) | #247 |
Fancy Pants (PSOD) | #309 |
Ars Nick | #33 |
Stark (PSOD) | #37 |
T. Rogers | #41 |
Austintatious | #512 |
Corporal Punishment | #55 |
Michael Jensen | #56 |
KillWalski | #70 |
Here's Johnny | #77 |
Hunter (PSOD) | #8 |
Senor PooPoo | #861 |
Mamba | #90 |
Per 1 | Per 2 | Total | Maj Pen | |
Twin Cities Terror... | 24 | 22 | 46 | 34 |
Puget Sound | 182 | 199 | 381 | 27 |
Rabid Derby Fan | (Crew) Head Non-Skating Official |
Sod Off | Penalty Tracker |
Rabid Derby Fan | Penalty Wrangler |
Wizard of Laws | Jam Timer |
Blood Bath and Beyond | Scorekeeper |
Dragon Harass | Scorekeeper |
Jenn-I-Fear | Scoreboard Operator |
Sweetie Pi | Penalty Box Manager |
Hated's Groupie | Penalty Box Timer |
Snarkimedes | Penalty Box Timer |
Allie-Oops! | Lineup Tracker (paper) |
Refty Venture | Lineup Tracker (paper) |
Loren Order | Head Referee |
Chopsaw | Inside Pack Referee |
Duke Skellington | Jammer Referee |
Kat A Killzem | Jammer Referee |
Official Lee Hated | Outside Pack Referee |
Guinness Leary | Outside Pack Referee |
Rollbar | Outside Pack Referee |
Rockity Roller | Referee Alternate |