Big Easy (WINNER)
Charlotte (LOSER)
What was the state of the game for a given jam?
Big Easy (WINNER)
Charlotte (LOSER)
How many points ahead was a team on a given jam?
Big Easy (WINNER)
Charlotte (LOSER)
How many points were scored by each team per jam?
Big Easy (WINNER)
Charlotte (LOSER)
What was the effective score margin per jam?
Charlotte Roster
Do U juana | #S0ME |
Amber Fillhart | #1 |
Emmylou Harass | #1000 |
Bashionista | #101 |
Rita Maneata | #106 |
Hellin Felon | #13 |
Thor Loser | #269 |
Vibrant Thing | #38 |
Shawn Shank Redemption | #40 |
Rosie Cheeks | #6 |
Lykr C'leen | #67 |
Drew FearMEmore | #711 |
Star Spangled BanGRR | #88 |
Katch Her in the Rye | #919 |
Big Easy Roster
Lacy Underalls | #1108 |
Shay-Bay | #12 |
Bang Crosby | #1954 |
Rogue Roulet | #2012 |
Anti Em | #215 |
Abbey | #4 |
HarmAknee | #440 |
Sadist Hawkins | #21 |
Coalminer's Slaughter | #650 |
Balls Out Betty | #7 |
Nola Ebola | #76 |
Beatrix sKiddo | #81 |
Abeata Applebaum | #93 |
[No officials recorded
for this bout]