2024 Q2 (7/1/24)

2024 Q3 (10/1/24)

1.Victorian Roller Derby Le...793.1
2.Brisbane City Rollers656.4
3.Adelaide Roller Derby644.6
4.Perth Roller Derby601.8
5.Sun State Roller Derby600.5
6.Pirate City Rollers549.0
7.Dead End Derby544.0
8.Sydney Roller Derby Leagu...528.7
9.Richter City Roller Derby517.9
10.WestSide Roller Derby (Wo...517.4
11.Red Kennedys514.8
12.Sulphur City Steam Roller...506.2
14.Canberra Roller Derby Lea...497.1
15.Convict City Roller Derby494.8
16.Rumble Bees (Sun State)493.3
17.Whakatane Roller Derby Le...480.6
18.Varsity Derby League478.4
19.Rumble Bees (Perth)474.8
20.South Sea Roller Derby470.3
22.Smashing Punkins462.7
23.Light City Derby (Womens)457.8
24.Black Widows454.0
25.Fort Smashleys453.2
26.Bogey Rollers452.1
27.Team Lumberjack451.3
28.Inner West Roller Derby L...449.1
30.Team Unicorn: The Horny R...444.0
31.Auckland Roller Derby Lea...434.5
32.Western Australia Roller ...434.3
33.Coastal Assassins Roller ...432.7
34.Swamp City Roller Derby428.5
35.Dunedin Derby423.2
36.Rogue Scholars415.8
37.Harbour Hellcats415.2
38.Hellmilton Roller Ghouls414.9
39.Newcastle Roller Derby Le...413.4
40.Tokyo Roller Derby League409.9
41.Devil State Derby League404.2
42.The Misfits400.5
43.South Side Derby Dolls400.2
44.Kingston City Rollers (Wo...400.1
45.Whenua Fatales Roller Der...397.7
46.Nerdy Krakens396.8
47.Brawling Bar Belles394.8
48.Van Diemen Rollers389.6
49.Killer Bees389.4
50.Valley Valkyries384.6
51.Big Island Roller Derby383.1
52.Nerdy Dragons379.4
53.Timaru Roller Derby378.5
54.Richter B378.3
55.Tweed Valley Rollers378.1
56.East Coast Roller Derby375.0
58.Moana Roller Derby368.7
59.The Slamberries368.2
60.The Banshees367.9
61.Northland Roller Derby366.8
62.Pacific Roller Derby366.7
63.North East Roller Derby366.0
64.Mile Die Club364.0
65.Pivot City Ranges362.7
66.Rockabellas Roller Derby ...362.4
67.Dead Seas360.5
68.Dragon City Roller Derby360.4
69.The Good Ship Salty358.3
71.Living Dead Rollers356.2
72.Broadside Brawlers350.6
74.Cherry Bombs348.6
75.Surly Griffins346.6
76.Atomic Sirens346.4
77.Ninja Stars344.6
78.Wild Hearses343.5
79.Red Bellied Black Hearts343.1
80.Garden Island Renegade Ro...342.2
81.River Valley Rollers341.8
82.Sonic Doom341.3
84.Okinawa Roller Derby341.2
85.Nelson Bays Roller Derby340.5
86.Northern Brisbane Rollers338.8
87.Road Train Rollers337.1
88.Team Griffin336.7
89.Blue Mountains Roller Der...331.4
90.Regional Alliance Derby328.4
91.Capital Brawlers328.1
92.Devil Dog Derby Dames326.7
93.East Vic Roller Derby326.1
94.Trauma Queens325.7
95.Northern Rivers Roller De...324.0
96.Port Macquarie Roller Der...323.1
98.Velociraptors B319.2
100.Taranaki Roller Corps317.0
101.Bay City Rollers315.5
102.Ballarat Roller Derby Lea...315.4
103.Kapiti Coast Derby Crew315.2
104.Wollongong Illawarra Roll...314.6
105.Super Novas314.3
106.South Central Roller Derb...314.3
107.Mackay City Roller Maiden...311.0
108.Honourable Mareikura310.0
109.Twisted Sisters308.9
110.Quad Bombers308.9
111.Paua Rangers307.9
112.Bonnie Brawlers307.8
113.Remutaka Roller Derby305.5
114.Western Sydney Rollers304.8
116.Night Witches299.4
117.Diamond Valley Roller Der...297.1
118.Central Coast Roller Derb...294.7
119.Hell's Belles293.0
120.Solar Flares292.5
121.RatPack B290.6
122.Otautahi Rollers288.4
123.Kokeshi Roller Dolls287.5
124.Geelong Roller Derby Leag...282.6
125.Galactic Storms281.7
126.Toowoomba City Rollers274.3
127.Albany Roller Derby Leagu...272.0
128.Northern Beaches Roller G...270.1
129.Murder City Roller Derby266.7
130.Coffs Coast Derby Dolls266.5
131.The Bamshees266.0
132.Maitland Roller Girls265.7
133.Taupo Roller Derby League260.9
134.Convict City B250.8
136.Margaret River Roller Der...244.1
137.Dread Pirate Rollers244.1
138.Sin City Rollers232.9
139.Team Regional Victoria194.9
1.Victorian Roller Derby Le...793.1
2.Brisbane City Rollers656.4
3.Adelaide Roller Derby644.6
4.Perth Roller Derby611.6
5.Sun State Roller Derby600.5
6.Dead End Derby544.0
7.Richter City Roller Derby538.1
8.Sydney Roller Derby Leagu...528.7
9.Red Kennedys514.8
10.Pirate City Rollers512.9
11.Sulphur City Steam Roller...506.2
13.Canberra Roller Derby Lea...497.1
14.Convict City Roller Derby494.8
15.Inner West Roller Derby L...483.0
16.Whakatane Roller Derby Le...480.6
17.Varsity Derby League478.4
18.Rumble Bees (Sun State)475.5
19.WestSide Roller Derby (Wo...472.4
20.South Sea Roller Derby470.3
22.Smashing Punkins462.7
23.Light City Derby (Womens)457.8
24.Swamp City Roller Derby454.6
25.Black Widows454.0
26.Fort Smashleys453.2
27.Bogey Rollers452.1
28.Team Lumberjack451.3
29.Rumble Bees (Perth)448.0
30.Living Dead Stars446.8
32.Team Unicorn: The Horny R...444.0
33.Dunedin Derby439.1
34.Coastal Assassins Roller ...432.7
35.Western Australia Roller ...425.4
36.Rogue Scholars415.8
37.Harbour Hellcats415.2
38.Hellmilton Roller Ghouls414.9
39.Newcastle Roller Derby Le...413.4
40.Tokyo Roller Derby League409.9
41.Auckland Roller Derby Lea...408.5
42.Devil State Derby League404.2
43.South Side Derby Dolls400.2
44.Whenua Fatales Roller Der...397.7
45.Brawling Bar Belles394.8
46.Kingston City Rollers (Wo...390.7
47.Van Diemen Rollers389.6
48.Killer Bees389.4
49.The Banshees386.3
50.East Coast Roller Derby384.7
51.Big Island Roller Derby383.1
52.Nerdy Dragons379.4
53.Timaru Roller Derby378.5
54.Richter B378.3
55.Tweed Valley Rollers378.1
56.Valley Valkyries373.7
57.Moana Roller Derby368.7
58.The Slamberries368.2
59.Pivot City Ranges367.3
60.North East Roller Derby366.0
61.Mile Die Club364.0
62.Dragon City Roller Derby362.9
63.Rockabellas Roller Derby ...362.4
64.Ballarat Roller Derby Lea...361.8
65.Northland Roller Derby360.8
66.Dead Seas360.5
67.The Good Ship Salty358.3
69.Living Dead Rollers356.9
70.Broadside Brawlers350.6
73.Cherry Bombs348.6
74.Surly Griffins346.6
75.Atomic Sirens346.4
76.Wollongong Illawarra Roll...345.3
77.Blue Mountains Roller Der...345.0
78.Ninja Stars344.6
79.Wild Hearses343.5
80.Red Bellied Black Hearts343.1
81.Garden Island Renegade Ro...342.2
82.Pacific Roller Derby342.0
83.River Valley Rollers341.8
84.Sonic Doom341.3
86.Okinawa Roller Derby341.2
87.East Vic Roller Derby339.4
88.Northern Brisbane Rollers338.8
89.Road Train Rollers337.1
90.Team Griffin336.7
93.The Misfits331.3
94.Remutaka Roller Derby329.3
95.Regional Alliance Derby328.4
96.Capital Brawlers328.1
97.Nerdy Krakens327.6
98.Devil Dog Derby Dames326.7
99.Trauma Queens325.7
100.Northern Rivers Roller De...324.0
101.Port Macquarie Roller Der...323.1
102.Taranaki Roller Corps317.0
103.Bay City Rollers315.5
104.Kapiti Coast Derby Crew315.2
105.Super Novas314.3
106.Mackay City Roller Maiden...311.0
107.Honourable Mareikura310.0
108.Twisted Sisters308.9
109.Quad Bombers308.9
110.Paua Rangers307.9
111.Western Sydney Rollers304.8
113.Night Witches299.4
114.Nelson Bays Roller Derby299.3
115.Toowoomba City Rollers299.2
116.Bonnie Brawlers299.0
117.Diamond Valley Roller Der...298.7
118.Central Coast Roller Derb...294.7
119.Hell's Belles293.0
120.Solar Flares292.5
121.South Central Roller Derb...291.4
122.RatPack B290.6
123.The Bamshees290.4
124.Kraken Chaos290.3
125.Otautahi Rollers288.4
126.Kokeshi Roller Dolls287.5
127.Velociraptors B284.6
128.Geelong Roller Derby Leag...282.6
129.Galactic Storms281.7
130.Maitland Roller Girls276.1
131.Murder City Roller Derby266.7
132.Coffs Coast Derby Dolls266.5
133.Northern Beaches Roller G...264.9
134.Taupo Roller Derby League260.9
135.Albany Roller Derby Leagu...254.3
136.Dread Pirate Rollers253.6
137.Convict City B250.8
138.Margaret River Roller Der...244.1
139.Sin City Rollers232.9
140.Team Regional Victoria231.7