Date | This Team | Opponent | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Rating | |
09/25/16 | Pair O' Dice (179) | vs HARD: Banshees (185) | -3.8 | 413.8 | Stats | |
09/27/15 | Pair O' Dice (80) | vs Strong Island (248) | -16.5 | 417.5 | Stats | |
08/29/15 | Pair O' Dice (107) | vs LIRR: Rock-A-Betty Bruisers (251) | -12.7 | 434.0 | Stats | |
07/11/15 | Pair O' Dice (238) | vs Southshire (123) | +8.7 | 446.7 | Stats | |
06/14/15 | Pair O' Dice (264) | vs Cape Cod (128) | 438.0 | Stats | ||
05/02/15 | Pair O' Dice (107) | vs MARD: Bloody Bordens (273) | -23.8 | 438.0 | Stats | |
10/26/14 | Pair O' Dice (236) | vs WoRD: Hurt of the Commonwealth (110) | +28.6 | 461.8 | Stats | |
10/11/14 | Pair O' Dice (141) | vs MARD: Bloody Bordens (111) | +15.2 | 433.2 | Stats | |
08/03/14 | Pair O' Dice (63) | vs Western MA (401) | -14.2 | 418.1 | Stats | |
05/17/14 | Pair O' Dice (115) | vs WoRD: Hurt of the Commonwealth (148) | -5.2 | 432.3 | Stats | |
04/12/14 | Pair O' Dice (50) | vs Bangor (287) | -41.6 | 437.5 | Stats | |
08/03/13 | Pair O' Dice (97) | vs MRD: Old Port Brigade (220) | -12.4 | 479.1 | Stats | |
06/08/13 | Pair O' Dice (166) | vs Elm City (173) | -9.4 | 491.4 | Stats | |
05/11/13 | Pair O' Dice (133) | vs Poison Pixies (68) | +9.0 | 500.8 | Stats | |
04/13/13 | Pair O' Dice (181) | vs Bangor (203) | +0.7 | 491.9 | Stats | |
02/23/13 | Pair O' Dice (192) | vs AASRD: Brawl Stars (119) | +19.9 | 491.2 | Stats | |
02/17/13 | Pair O' Dice (126) | vs Bay State Brawlers (226) | -27.3 | 471.3 | Stats | |
10/13/12 | Pair O' Dice (140) | vs HoT: Trojan Force (218) | -4.4 | 498.6 | Stats | |
09/08/12 | Pair O' Dice (119) | vs Morristown: JDB (128) | -5.6 | 503.0 | Stats | |
06/09/12 | Pair O' Dice (115) | vs LIRR: Rock-A-Betty Bruisers (262) | -11.7 | 508.7 | Stats | |
04/21/12 | Pair O' Dice (35) | vs MRD: Old Port Brigade (246) | 520.3 | Stats |
Date | Teams | Score | Incoming Ratings | Expected | Actual | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Ratings | |
09/25/16 | Pair O' Dice HARD: Banshees | 179 185 | 417.5 417.2 | 0.05 | -0.02 | -3.8 +3.8 | 413.8 421.0 | Stats | |
09/27/15 | Pair O' Dice Strong Island | 80 248 | 434.0 482.8 | -0.20 | -0.51 | -16.5 +16.5 | 417.5 499.4 | Stats | |
08/29/15 | Pair O' Dice LIRR: Rock-A-Betty Bruisers | 107 251 | 446.7 469.9 | -0.16 | -0.40 | -12.7 +12.7 | 434.0 482.6 | Stats | |
07/11/15 | Pair O' Dice Southshire | 238 123 | 438.0 398.4 | 0.15 | 0.32 | +8.7 -8.7 | 446.7 389.7 | Stats | |
06/14/15 | Pair O' Dice Cape Cod | 264 128 | 438.0 [unranked] | 0.35 | | 438.0 407.0 | Stats | ||
05/02/15 | Pair O' Dice MARD: Bloody Bordens | 107 273 | 461.8 449.2 | 0.02 | -0.44 | -23.8 +23.8 | 438.0 473.0 | Stats | |
10/26/14 | Pair O' Dice WoRD: Hurt of the Commonwealth | 236 110 | 433.2 479.2 | -0.18 | 0.36 | +28.6 -28.6 | 461.8 450.6 | Stats | |
10/11/14 | Pair O' Dice MARD: Bloody Bordens | 141 111 | 418.1 443.6 | -0.17 | 0.12 | +15.2 -15.2 | 433.2 428.4 | Stats | |
08/03/14 | Pair O' Dice Western MA | 63 401 | 432.3 534.9 | -0.46 | -0.73 | -14.2 +14.2 | 418.1 549.1 | Stats | |
05/17/14 | Pair O' Dice WoRD: Hurt of the Commonwealth | 115 148 | 437.5 433.7 | -0.03 | -0.13 | -5.2 +5.2 | 432.3 438.9 | Stats | |
04/12/14 | Pair O' Dice Bangor | 50 287 | 479.1 451.6 | 0.09 | -0.70 | -41.6 +41.6 | 437.5 493.2 | Stats | |
08/03/13 | Pair O' Dice MRD: Old Port Brigade | 97 220 | 491.4 517.9 | -0.15 | -0.39 | -12.4 +12.4 | 479.1 530.3 | Stats | |
06/08/13 | Pair O' Dice Elm City | 166 173 | 500.8 477.7 | 0.16 | -0.02 | -9.4 +9.4 | 491.4 487.1 | Stats | |
05/11/13 | Pair O' Dice Poison Pixies | 133 68 | 491.9 452.2 | 0.15 | 0.32 | +9.0 -9.0 | 500.8 443.2 | Stats | |
04/13/13 | Pair O' Dice Bangor | 181 203 | 491.2 514.3 | -0.07 | -0.06 | +0.7 -0.7 | 491.9 513.6 | Stats | |
02/23/13 | Pair O' Dice AASRD: Brawl Stars | 192 119 | 471.3 491.6 | -0.15 | 0.23 | +19.9 -19.9 | 491.2 471.7 | Stats | |
02/17/13 | Pair O' Dice Bay State Brawlers | 126 226 | 498.6 459.1 | 0.24 | -0.28 | -27.3 +27.3 | 471.3 486.4 | Stats | |
10/13/12 | Pair O' Dice HoT: Trojan Force | 140 218 | 503.0 512.8 | -0.12 | -0.22 | -4.4 +4.4 | 498.6 517.2 | Stats | |
09/08/12 | Pair O' Dice Morristown: JDB | 119 128 | 508.7 476.5 | 0.09 | -0.04 | -5.6 +5.6 | 503.0 482.1 | Stats | |
06/09/12 | Pair O' Dice LIRR: Rock-A-Betty Bruisers | 115 262 | 520.3 531.8 | -0.13 | -0.39 | -11.7 +11.7 | 508.7 543.5 | Stats | |
04/21/12 | Pair O' Dice MRD: Old Port Brigade | 35 246 | [unranked] 576.5 | -0.75 | | 520.3 576.5 | Stats |