Date | This Team | Opponent | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Rating | |
12/09/23 | 2x4 (209) | vs Bone Breakers (33) | +4.2 | 887.9 | Stats | |
12/08/23 | 2x4 (235) | vs Metropolitan (45) | -4.9 | 883.8 | Stats | |
10/28/23 | 2x4 (515) | vs Atomic Bombs (0) | +1.7 | 888.7 | Stats | |
11/16/19 | 2x4 (92) | vs Texas (139) | -5.4 | 887.1 | Stats | |
11/15/19 | 2x4 (124) | vs Montreal (217) | -9.1 | 892.4 | Stats | |
09/08/19 | 2x4 (172) | vs Rainy City (UK) (109) | +16.9 | 901.6 | Stats | |
09/07/19 | 2x4 (58) | vs Texas (143) | -21.4 | 884.7 | Stats | |
09/06/19 | 2x4 (204) | vs Paris (64) | +7.7 | 906.1 | Stats | |
06/05/19 | 2x4 (176) | vs Bay Area (134) | -2.0 | 898.4 | Stats | |
06/02/19 | 2x4 (295) | vs Dallas (26) | +15.8 | 900.5 | Stats | |
06/02/19 | 2x4 (122) | vs Arizona (101) | +4.4 | 884.7 | Stats | |
06/01/19 | 2x4 (106) | vs Rat City (90) | +10.0 | 880.3 | Stats | |
09/02/18 | 2x4 (208) | vs Helsinki (172) | +5.5 | 870.3 | Stats | |
09/01/18 | 2x4 (125) | vs Angel City (218) | -8.5 | 864.8 | Stats | |
08/31/18 | 2x4 (210) | vs Sailor City (53) | +31.2 | 873.3 | Stats | |
02/07/18 | 2x4 (201) | vs Bear City (193) | -29.5 | 842.1 | Stats | |
02/06/18 | 2x4 (182) | vs Paris (78) | -0.7 | 871.6 | Stats | |
01/30/18 | 2x4 (375) | vs Middlesbrough (51) | +16.8 | 872.3 | Stats | |
01/27/18 | 2x4 (316) | vs Auld Reekie (53) | +7.0 | 855.5 | Stats | |
01/27/18 | 2x4 (242) | vs Dublin (64) | +6.9 | 848.5 | Stats | |
01/25/18 | 2x4 (126) | vs Rainy City (UK) (132) | +15.2 | 841.6 | Stats | |
09/03/17 | 2x4 (255) | vs Ann Arbor (105) | +8.9 | 826.4 | Stats | |
09/02/17 | 2x4 (80) | vs Rose (360) | +5.4 | 817.5 | Stats | |
09/01/17 | 2x4 (178) | vs Windy City (135) | +8.2 | 812.0 | Stats | |
05/07/17 | 2x4 (113) | vs Helsinki (203) | -16.0 | 803.8 | Stats | |
05/06/17 | 2x4 (145) | vs Windy City (150) | -13.5 | 819.8 | Stats | |
05/05/17 | 2x4 (273) | vs Boulder County (88) | +2.2 | 833.3 | Stats | |
04/16/17 | 2x4 (249) | vs Bone Breakers (52) | +28.7 | 831.1 | Stats | |
04/15/17 | 2x4 (115) | vs Sailor City (86) | +24.5 | 802.4 | Stats | |
04/14/17 | 2x4 (250) | vs Rock N Roller Queens (33) | -0.9 | 777.9 | Stats | |
04/14/17 | 2x4 (100) | vs Bone Breakers (139) | 778.8 | Stats | ||
04/13/17 | 2x4 (523) | vs Gray City (9) | 778.8 | Stats | ||
04/13/17 | 2x4 (734) | vs Ladies of Hell (13) | 778.8 | Stats | ||
04/13/17 | 2x4 (135) | vs Metropolitan (72) | 778.8 | Stats | ||
08/10/16 | 2x4 (324) | vs Oklahoma City (48) | +11.2 | 778.8 | Stats | |
08/06/16 | 2x4 (159) | vs Kansas City (140) | -3.9 | 767.7 | Stats | |
08/06/16 | 2x4 (76) | vs Arch Rival (340) | -4.3 | 771.5 | Stats | |
08/05/16 | 2x4 (143) | vs No Coast (176) | 775.8 | Stats |
Date | Teams | Score | Incoming Ratings | Expected | Actual | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Ratings | |
12/09/23 | 2x4 Bone Breakers | 209 33 | 883.8 733.1 | 0.66 | 0.73 | +4.2 -4.2 | 887.9 728.9 | Stats | |
12/08/23 | 2x4 Metropolitan | 235 45 | 888.7 695.1 | 0.76 | 0.68 | -4.9 +4.9 | 883.8 700.1 | Stats | |
10/28/23 | 2x4 Atomic Bombs | 515 0 | 887.1 473.2 | 0.97 | 1.00 | +1.7 -1.7 | 888.7 471.5 | Stats | |
11/16/19 | 2x4 Texas | 92 139 | 892.4 915.0 | -0.11 | -0.20 | -5.4 +5.4 | 887.1 920.4 | Stats | |
11/15/19 | 2x4 Montreal | 124 217 | 901.6 925.2 | -0.12 | -0.27 | -9.1 +9.1 | 892.4 934.4 | Stats | |
09/08/19 | 2x4 Rainy City (UK) | 172 109 | 884.7 897.1 | -0.06 | 0.22 | +16.9 -16.9 | 901.6 880.2 | Stats | |
09/07/19 | 2x4 Texas | 58 143 | 906.1 918.1 | -0.06 | -0.42 | -21.4 +21.4 | 884.7 939.5 | Stats | |
09/06/19 | 2x4 Paris | 204 64 | 898.4 815.6 | 0.39 | 0.52 | +7.7 -7.7 | 906.1 807.9 | Stats | |
06/05/19 | 2x4 Bay Area | 176 134 | 900.5 855.3 | 0.17 | 0.14 | -2.0 +2.0 | 898.4 857.3 | Stats | |
06/02/19 | 2x4 Dallas | 295 26 | 884.7 748.3 | 0.57 | 0.84 | +15.8 -15.8 | 900.5 732.5 | Stats | |
06/02/19 | 2x4 Arizona | 122 101 | 880.3 869.5 | 0.02 | 0.09 | +4.4 -4.4 | 884.7 865.2 | Stats | |
06/01/19 | 2x4 Rat City | 106 90 | 870.3 881.3 | -0.09 | 0.08 | +10.0 -10.0 | 880.3 871.2 | Stats | |
09/02/18 | 2x4 Helsinki | 208 172 | 864.8 864.5 | 0.00 | 0.09 | +5.5 -5.5 | 870.3 859.0 | Stats | |
09/01/18 | 2x4 Angel City | 125 218 | 873.3 898.7 | -0.13 | -0.27 | -8.5 +8.5 | 864.8 907.3 | Stats | |
08/31/18 | 2x4 Sailor City | 210 53 | 842.1 828.5 | 0.07 | 0.60 | +31.2 -31.2 | 873.3 797.3 | Stats | |
02/07/18 | 2x4 Bear City | 201 193 | 871.6 745.2 | 0.52 | 0.02 | -29.5 +29.5 | 842.1 774.7 | Stats | |
02/06/18 | 2x4 Paris | 182 78 | 872.3 773.8 | 0.41 | 0.40 | -0.7 +0.7 | 871.6 774.5 | Stats | |
01/30/18 | 2x4 Middlesbrough | 375 51 | 855.5 741.1 | 0.48 | 0.76 | +16.8 -16.8 | 872.3 724.3 | Stats | |
01/27/18 | 2x4 Auld Reekie | 316 53 | 848.5 722.4 | 0.59 | 0.71 | +7.0 -7.0 | 855.5 715.4 | Stats | |
01/27/18 | 2x4 Dublin | 242 64 | 841.6 730.2 | 0.46 | 0.58 | +6.9 -6.9 | 848.5 723.2 | Stats | |
01/25/18 | 2x4 Rainy City (UK) | 126 132 | 826.4 873.1 | -0.28 | -0.02 | +15.2 -15.2 | 841.6 858.0 | Stats | |
09/03/17 | 2x4 Ann Arbor | 255 105 | 817.5 763.1 | 0.27 | 0.42 | +8.9 -8.9 | 826.4 754.2 | Stats | |
09/02/17 | 2x4 Rose | 80 360 | 812.0 997.1 | -0.73 | -0.64 | +5.4 -5.4 | 817.5 991.7 | Stats | |
09/01/17 | 2x4 Windy City | 178 135 | 803.8 804.2 | -0.00 | 0.14 | +8.2 -8.2 | 812.0 796.0 | Stats | |
05/07/17 | 2x4 Helsinki | 113 203 | 819.8 815.8 | -0.01 | -0.28 | -16.0 +16.0 | 803.8 831.8 | Stats | |
05/06/17 | 2x4 Windy City | 145 150 | 833.3 783.7 | 0.21 | -0.02 | -13.5 +13.5 | 819.8 797.1 | Stats | |
05/05/17 | 2x4 Boulder County | 273 88 | 831.1 734.7 | 0.47 | 0.51 | +2.2 -2.2 | 833.3 732.4 | Stats | |
04/16/17 | 2x4 Bone Breakers | 249 52 | 802.4 775.1 | 0.17 | 0.65 | +28.7 -28.7 | 831.1 746.5 | Stats | |
04/15/17 | 2x4 Sailor City | 115 86 | 777.9 840.2 | -0.27 | 0.14 | +24.5 -24.5 | 802.4 815.7 | Stats | |
04/14/17 | 2x4 Rock N Roller Queens | 250 33 | 778.8 561.7 | 0.78 | 0.77 | -0.9 +0.9 | 777.9 562.6 | Stats | |
04/14/17 | 2x4 Bone Breakers | 100 139 | 778.8 [unranked] | -0.16 | | 778.8 794.8 | Stats | ||
04/13/17 | 2x4 Gray City | 523 9 | 778.8 [unranked] | 0.97 | | 778.8 526.9 | Stats | ||
04/13/17 | 2x4 Ladies of Hell | 734 13 | 778.8 [unranked] | 0.97 | | 778.8 528.7 | Stats | ||
04/13/17 | 2x4 Metropolitan | 135 72 | 778.8 [unranked] | 0.30 | | 778.8 736.4 | Stats | ||
08/10/16 | 2x4 Oklahoma City | 324 48 | 767.7 632.3 | 0.55 | 0.74 | +11.2 -11.2 | 778.8 621.1 | Stats | |
08/06/16 | 2x4 Kansas City | 159 140 | 771.5 738.8 | 0.13 | 0.06 | -3.9 +3.9 | 767.7 742.7 | Stats | |
08/06/16 | 2x4 Arch Rival | 76 340 | 775.8 896.3 | -0.56 | -0.63 | -4.3 +4.3 | 771.5 900.6 | Stats | |
08/05/16 | 2x4 No Coast | 143 176 | [unranked] 781.8 | -0.10 | | 775.8 781.8 | Stats |