Date | This Team | Opponent | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Rating | |
11/09/19 | Blockforest (43) | vs Kassel (266) | -18.8 | 142.1 | Stats | |
10/20/19 | Blockforest (47) | vs Regensburg (351) | -27.4 | 160.9 | Stats | |
09/28/19 | Blockforest (58) | vs RPRG: RuhrPott Roller Derby B (322) | -15.8 | 188.3 | Stats | |
07/13/19 | Blockforest (177) | vs RRD: Darmstadt B Team (154) | +16.0 | 204.1 | Stats | |
06/08/19 | Blockforest (108) | vs Regensburg (223) | -3.0 | 188.0 | Stats | |
05/26/19 | Blockforest (111) | vs Kassel (196) | +0.2 | 191.1 | Stats | |
03/09/19 | Blockforest (120) | vs Nürnberg (235) | -23.9 | 190.9 | Stats | |
11/25/17 | Blockforest (117) | vs Luzern (258) | +1.2 | 214.7 | Stats | |
10/29/17 | Blockforest (179) | vs Rhine Rebels (186) | +20.2 | 213.6 | Stats | |
07/29/17 | Blockforest (144) | vs SVRD: The Bad Seeds (350) | +1.8 | 193.4 | Stats | |
04/02/17 | Blockforest (119) | vs Bloody Wheels (273) | +8.3 | 191.6 | Stats | |
04/02/17 | Blockforest (82) | vs Poison Kittens (290) | 183.3 | Stats |
Date | Teams | Score | Incoming Ratings | Expected | Actual | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Ratings | |
11/09/19 | Blockforest Kassel | 43 266 | 160.9 243.0 | -0.41 | -0.72 | -18.8 +18.8 | 142.1 261.8 | Stats | |
10/20/19 | Blockforest Regensburg | 47 351 | 188.3 255.3 | -0.30 | -0.76 | -27.4 +27.4 | 160.9 282.6 | Stats | |
09/28/19 | Blockforest RPRG: RuhrPott Roller Derby B | 58 322 | 204.1 286.9 | -0.43 | -0.69 | -15.8 +15.8 | 188.3 302.7 | Stats | |
07/13/19 | Blockforest RRD: Darmstadt B Team | 177 154 | 188.0 219.5 | -0.20 | 0.07 | +16.0 -16.0 | 204.1 203.5 | Stats | |
06/08/19 | Blockforest Regensburg | 108 223 | 191.1 248.1 | -0.30 | -0.35 | -3.0 +3.0 | 188.0 251.2 | Stats | |
05/26/19 | Blockforest Kassel | 111 196 | 190.9 252.6 | -0.28 | -0.28 | +0.2 -0.2 | 191.1 252.3 | Stats | |
03/09/19 | Blockforest Nürnberg | 120 235 | 214.7 190.4 | 0.08 | -0.32 | -23.9 +23.9 | 190.9 214.3 | Stats | |
11/25/17 | Blockforest Luzern | 117 258 | 213.6 288.2 | -0.40 | -0.38 | +1.2 -1.2 | 214.7 287.1 | Stats | |
10/29/17 | Blockforest Rhine Rebels | 179 186 | 193.4 277.2 | -0.36 | -0.02 | +20.2 -20.2 | 213.6 257.1 | Stats | |
07/29/17 | Blockforest SVRD: The Bad Seeds | 144 350 | 191.6 278.7 | -0.45 | -0.42 | +1.8 -1.8 | 193.4 276.9 | Stats | |
04/02/17 | Blockforest Bloody Wheels | 119 273 | 183.3 293.1 | -0.53 | -0.39 | +8.3 -8.3 | 191.6 284.8 | Stats | |
04/02/17 | Blockforest Poison Kittens | 82 290 | [unranked] 249.6 | -0.56 | | 183.3 249.6 | Stats |