Date | This Team | Opponent | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Rating | |
10/19/24 | Wasteland (159) | vs IERD: Uprising (252) | -2.9 | 494.2 | Stats | |
05/18/19 | Wasteland (110) | vs Rough Diamonds (185) | -30.7 | 497.2 | Stats | |
03/23/19 | Wasteland (82) | vs ACD: Road Ragers (252) | -12.8 | 527.8 | Stats | |
04/22/17 | Wasteland (335) | vs Rough Diamonds (207) | +22.8 | 540.6 | Stats | |
11/12/16 | Wasteland (111) | vs Wine Town (151) | -31.4 | 517.8 | Stats | |
10/01/16 | Wasteland (184) | vs North County (171) | -28.3 | 549.2 | Stats | |
08/20/16 | Wasteland (238) | vs West Coast Knockouts (99) | -0.3 | 577.6 | Stats | |
03/05/16 | Wasteland (131) | vs V Town (295) | +2.0 | 577.9 | Stats | |
11/07/15 | Wasteland (158) | vs Wreck Hers (95) | -0.4 | 575.8 | Stats | |
10/03/15 | Wasteland (294) | vs VCDD: Battalion of Skates (74) | +4.4 | 576.2 | Stats | |
06/13/15 | Wasteland (217) | vs CVDG: Hi Desert Roller Derby (103) | +13.9 | 571.8 | Stats | |
04/25/15 | Wasteland (272) | vs Cal Skate (77) | +41.2 | 557.9 | Stats | |
03/14/15 | Wasteland (323) | vs San Gabriel (138) | +8.2 | 516.8 | Stats | |
07/19/14 | Wasteland (144) | vs Foothill (225) | +4.0 | 508.6 | Stats | |
02/01/14 | Wasteland (165) | vs SFVRD: As Ifs (294) | 504.6 | Stats |
Date | Teams | Score | Incoming Ratings | Expected | Actual | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Ratings | |
10/19/24 | Wasteland IERD: Uprising | 159 252 | 497.2 524.0 | -0.18 | -0.23 | -2.9 +2.9 | 494.2 526.9 | Stats | |
05/18/19 | Wasteland Rough Diamonds | 110 185 | 527.8 483.6 | 0.26 | -0.25 | -30.7 +30.7 | 497.2 514.2 | Stats | |
03/23/19 | Wasteland ACD: Road Ragers | 82 252 | 540.6 592.3 | -0.29 | -0.51 | -12.8 +12.8 | 527.8 605.1 | Stats | |
04/22/17 | Wasteland Rough Diamonds | 335 207 | 517.8 538.2 | -0.15 | 0.24 | +22.8 -22.8 | 540.6 515.4 | Stats | |
11/12/16 | Wasteland Wine Town | 111 151 | 549.2 479.5 | 0.37 | -0.15 | -31.4 +31.4 | 517.8 510.9 | Stats | |
10/01/16 | Wasteland North County | 184 171 | 577.6 473.5 | 0.51 | 0.04 | -28.3 +28.3 | 549.2 501.8 | Stats | |
08/20/16 | Wasteland West Coast Knockouts | 238 99 | 577.9 497.9 | 0.42 | 0.41 | -0.3 +0.3 | 577.6 498.2 | Stats | |
03/05/16 | Wasteland V Town | 131 295 | 575.8 674.2 | -0.42 | -0.38 | +2.0 -2.0 | 577.9 672.1 | Stats | |
11/07/15 | Wasteland Wreck Hers | 158 95 | 576.2 532.8 | 0.26 | 0.25 | -0.4 +0.4 | 575.8 533.2 | Stats | |
10/03/15 | Wasteland VCDD: Battalion of Skates | 294 74 | 571.8 467.1 | 0.51 | 0.60 | +4.4 -4.4 | 576.2 462.8 | Stats | |
06/13/15 | Wasteland CVDG: Hi Desert Roller Derby | 217 103 | 557.9 548.7 | 0.09 | 0.36 | +13.9 -13.9 | 571.8 534.8 | Stats | |
04/25/15 | Wasteland Cal Skate | 272 77 | 516.8 572.3 | -0.23 | 0.56 | +41.2 -41.2 | 557.9 531.1 | Stats | |
03/14/15 | Wasteland San Gabriel | 323 138 | 508.6 467.5 | 0.25 | 0.40 | +8.2 -8.2 | 516.8 459.4 | Stats | |
07/19/14 | Wasteland Foothill | 144 225 | 504.6 556.8 | -0.30 | -0.22 | +4.0 -4.0 | 508.6 552.7 | Stats | |
02/01/14 | Wasteland SFVRD: As Ifs | 165 294 | [unranked] 528.5 | -0.28 | | 504.6 528.5 | Stats |