Date | This Team | Opponent | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Rating | |
08/10/19 | Belleville (145) | vs HRD: Debu-Taunts (185) | -24.1 | 406.4 | Stats | |
07/27/19 | Belleville (140) | vs PARDy (137) | -1.4 | 430.5 | Stats | |
06/01/19 | Belleville (245) | vs Ottawa (130) | -14.1 | 431.9 | Stats | |
09/30/18 | Belleville (93) | vs Thousand Islands (272) | -15.6 | 446.0 | Stats | |
08/25/18 | Belleville (167) | vs ToRD: Smoke City Bandits (163) | +3.0 | 461.6 | Stats | |
07/28/18 | Belleville (183) | vs KRD: The Skateful Dead (179) | -1.3 | 458.6 | Stats | |
07/14/18 | Belleville (199) | vs Lindsay (116) | +3.2 | 459.9 | Stats | |
06/02/18 | Belleville (144) | vs South Simcoe (165) | -1.3 | 456.7 | Stats | |
08/13/17 | Belleville (347) | vs HRD: Debu-Taunts (156) | -8.5 | 458.0 | Stats | |
07/29/17 | Belleville (345) | vs DRRD: Durham Region Roller Derby - Select (147) | +6.0 | 466.6 | Stats | |
07/22/17 | Belleville (244) | vs DRRD: Durham Region Roller Derby - Select (139) | +7.8 | 460.6 | Stats | |
07/22/17 | Belleville (114) | vs PARDy (51) | +34.7 | 452.8 | Stats | |
07/09/17 | Belleville (241) | vs KRD: The Skateful Dead (205) | +5.3 | 418.1 | Stats | |
06/24/17 | Belleville (107) | vs RCRD: Killer Queens (308) | +6.2 | 412.8 | Stats | |
05/28/17 | Belleville (122) | vs Lindsay (254) | -28.4 | 406.6 | Stats | |
03/25/17 | Belleville (264) | vs ToRD: Vipers (179) | +4.5 | 435.1 | Stats | |
09/17/16 | Belleville (274) | vs RDD: Bombshell Battalion (219) | +14.3 | 430.6 | Stats | |
08/27/16 | Belleville (205) | vs Northumberland (134) | -11.4 | 416.3 | Stats | |
08/07/16 | Belleville (274) | vs DRRD: Durham Region Roller Derby - House League (146) | +14.7 | 427.8 | Stats | |
07/23/16 | Belleville (197) | vs KRD: The Skateful Dead (166) | +18.0 | 413.0 | Stats | |
06/11/16 | Belleville (153) | vs Niagara (230) | +19.6 | 395.1 | Stats | |
05/28/16 | Belleville (125) | vs Renfrew County (138) | -4.5 | 375.5 | Stats | |
11/28/15 | Belleville (155) | vs RDD: Bombshell Battalion (208) | -14.7 | 380.0 | Stats | |
08/29/15 | Belleville (184) | vs Northumberland (172) | +2.2 | 394.7 | Stats | |
07/18/15 | Belleville (200) | vs Seaway (126) | +32.5 | 392.5 | Stats | |
05/30/15 | Belleville (117) | vs Renfrew County (170) | -12.2 | 360.0 | Stats | |
05/03/14 | Belleville (109) | vs DRRD: Durham Region Roller Derby - House League (253) | 372.2 | Stats |
Date | Teams | Score | Incoming Ratings | Expected | Actual | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Ratings | |
08/10/19 | Belleville HRD: Debu-Taunts | 145 185 | 430.5 363.2 | 0.28 | -0.12 | -24.1 +24.1 | 406.4 387.3 | Stats | |
07/27/19 | Belleville PARDy | 140 137 | 431.9 416.1 | 0.03 | 0.01 | -1.4 +1.4 | 430.5 417.5 | Stats | |
06/01/19 | Belleville Ottawa | 245 130 | 446.0 333.2 | 0.54 | 0.31 | -14.1 +14.1 | 431.9 347.3 | Stats | |
09/30/18 | Belleville Thousand Islands | 93 272 | 461.6 499.0 | -0.23 | -0.49 | -15.6 +15.6 | 446.0 514.6 | Stats | |
08/25/18 | Belleville ToRD: Smoke City Bandits | 167 163 | 458.6 475.2 | -0.04 | 0.01 | +3.0 -3.0 | 461.6 472.2 | Stats | |
07/28/18 | Belleville KRD: The Skateful Dead | 183 179 | 459.9 444.2 | 0.03 | 0.01 | -1.3 +1.3 | 458.6 445.6 | Stats | |
07/14/18 | Belleville Lindsay | 199 116 | 456.7 423.1 | 0.21 | 0.26 | +3.2 -3.2 | 459.9 419.9 | Stats | |
06/02/18 | Belleville South Simcoe | 144 165 | 458.0 476.3 | -0.05 | -0.07 | -1.3 +1.3 | 456.7 477.6 | Stats | |
08/13/17 | Belleville HRD: Debu-Taunts | 347 156 | 466.6 359.5 | 0.52 | 0.38 | -8.5 +8.5 | 458.0 368.0 | Stats | |
07/29/17 | Belleville DRRD: Durham Region Roller Derby - Select | 345 147 | 460.6 407.2 | 0.30 | 0.40 | +6.0 -6.0 | 466.6 401.2 | Stats | |
07/22/17 | Belleville DRRD: Durham Region Roller Derby - Select | 244 139 | 452.8 415.0 | 0.14 | 0.27 | +7.8 -7.8 | 460.6 407.2 | Stats | |
07/22/17 | Belleville PARDy | 114 51 | 418.1 467.7 | -0.20 | 0.38 | +34.7 -34.7 | 452.8 433.0 | Stats | |
07/09/17 | Belleville KRD: The Skateful Dead | 241 205 | 412.8 423.4 | -0.01 | 0.08 | +5.3 -5.3 | 418.1 418.1 | Stats | |
06/24/17 | Belleville RCRD: Killer Queens | 107 308 | 406.6 532.4 | -0.59 | -0.48 | +6.2 -6.2 | 412.8 526.2 | Stats | |
05/28/17 | Belleville Lindsay | 122 254 | 435.1 418.7 | 0.13 | -0.35 | -28.4 +28.4 | 406.6 447.1 | Stats | |
03/25/17 | Belleville ToRD: Vipers | 264 179 | 430.6 398.2 | 0.12 | 0.19 | +4.5 -4.5 | 435.1 393.7 | Stats | |
09/17/16 | Belleville RDD: Bombshell Battalion | 274 219 | 416.3 433.0 | -0.13 | 0.11 | +14.3 -14.3 | 430.6 418.7 | Stats | |
08/27/16 | Belleville Northumberland | 205 134 | 427.8 351.7 | 0.40 | 0.21 | -11.4 +11.4 | 416.3 363.1 | Stats | |
08/07/16 | Belleville DRRD: Durham Region Roller Derby - House League | 274 146 | 413.0 410.5 | 0.06 | 0.30 | +14.7 -14.7 | 427.8 395.8 | Stats | |
07/23/16 | Belleville KRD: The Skateful Dead | 197 166 | 395.1 447.9 | -0.22 | 0.09 | +18.0 -18.0 | 413.0 430.0 | Stats | |
06/11/16 | Belleville Niagara | 153 230 | 375.5 484.4 | -0.53 | -0.20 | +19.6 -19.6 | 395.1 464.8 | Stats | |
05/28/16 | Belleville Renfrew County | 125 138 | 380.0 383.7 | 0.03 | -0.05 | -4.5 +4.5 | 375.5 388.2 | Stats | |
11/28/15 | Belleville RDD: Bombshell Battalion | 155 208 | 394.7 358.5 | 0.13 | -0.15 | -14.7 +14.7 | 380.0 373.2 | Stats | |
08/29/15 | Belleville Northumberland | 184 172 | 392.5 385.1 | -0.01 | 0.03 | +2.2 -2.2 | 394.7 382.9 | Stats | |
07/18/15 | Belleville Seaway | 200 126 | 360.0 452.4 | -0.39 | 0.23 | +32.5 -32.5 | 392.5 419.9 | Stats | |
05/30/15 | Belleville Renfrew County | 117 170 | 372.2 371.5 | 0.05 | -0.18 | -12.2 +12.2 | 360.0 383.7 | Stats | |
05/03/14 | Belleville DRRD: Durham Region Roller Derby - House League | 109 253 | [unranked] 409.0 | -0.40 | | 372.2 409.0 | Stats |