Date | This Team | Opponent | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Rating | |
10/29/22 | VRDL: Storm (233) | vs South Sea (200) | -3.2 | 617.5 | Stats | |
11/02/19 | VRDL: Storm (202) | vs ADRD: Rads (139) | +4.9 | 620.7 | Stats | |
10/06/19 | VRDL: Storm (150) | vs Sydney (259) | -1.2 | 615.8 | Stats | |
10/05/19 | VRDL: Storm (122) | vs Varsity (273) | -21.8 | 617.0 | Stats | |
10/05/19 | VRDL: Storm (82) | vs Brisbane City (208) | -42.1 | 638.8 | Stats | |
08/17/19 | VRDL: Storm (112) | vs PRD: Rumble Bees (Perth) (84) | +3.6 | 680.9 | Stats | |
11/04/18 | VRDL: Storm (239) | vs Varsity (133) | +6.1 | 677.3 | Stats | |
11/03/18 | VRDL: Storm (351) | vs CRDL: Vice City Betamax (109) | -2.6 | 671.3 | Stats | |
11/03/18 | VRDL: Storm (232) | vs NSR: Rebel Alliance (99) | -8.1 | 673.9 | Stats | |
09/30/18 | VRDL: Storm (164) | vs Sydney (184) | +8.7 | 681.9 | Stats | |
09/30/18 | VRDL: Storm (263) | vs Northern Brisbane (74) | +5.2 | 673.3 | Stats | |
09/29/18 | VRDL: Storm (225) | vs Coastal Assassins (141) | +0.0 | 668.0 | Stats | |
09/29/18 | VRDL: Storm (195) | vs Brisbane City (198) | -20.8 | 668.0 | Stats | |
06/11/18 | VRDL: Storm (205) | vs Brisbane City (138) | -5.8 | 688.9 | Stats | |
06/10/18 | VRDL: Storm (338) | vs Auckland (92) | +12.3 | 694.6 | Stats | |
06/10/18 | VRDL: Storm (323) | vs Richter City (50) | +33.6 | 682.4 | Stats | |
06/10/18 | VRDL: Storm (572) | vs Blue Mountains (50) | +10.8 | 648.8 | Stats | |
06/09/18 | VRDL: Storm (385) | vs Ballarat (54) | +16.9 | 638.0 | Stats | |
04/22/18 | VRDL: Storm (243) | vs ADRD: Rads (123) | +0.8 | 621.1 | Stats | |
04/21/18 | VRDL: Storm (265) | vs Tweed Valley (71) | +4.8 | 620.3 | Stats | |
04/20/18 | VRDL: Storm (515) | vs East Coast (40) | +1.6 | 615.5 | Stats | |
04/08/18 | VRDL: Storm (253) | vs SRDL: Velociraptors B (89) | +5.5 | 613.9 | Stats | |
04/08/18 | VRDL: Storm (239) | vs VDL: Rogue Scholars (90) | -6.8 | 608.4 | Stats | |
04/07/18 | VRDL: Storm (237) | vs South Side (NSW) (79) | +5.5 | 615.2 | Stats | |
04/07/18 | VRDL: Storm (453) | vs CRDL: Capital Brawlers (112) | -1.0 | 609.7 | Stats | |
03/11/18 | VRDL: Storm (252) | vs NSR: Rebel Alliance (143) | +13.5 | 610.7 | Stats | |
03/11/18 | VRDL: Storm (282) | vs South Sea (90) | +0.2 | 597.2 | Stats | |
11/05/17 | VRDL: Storm (113) | vs Melbourne Northside (205) | -1.4 | 597.0 | Stats | |
11/04/17 | VRDL: Storm (242) | vs Convict City (121) | +13.5 | 598.4 | Stats | |
11/04/17 | VRDL: Storm (229) | vs ADRD: Rads (102) | +17.5 | 584.9 | Stats | |
10/01/17 | VRDL: Storm (107) | vs Newcastle (Aus) (209) | -13.3 | 567.3 | Stats | |
09/30/17 | VRDL: Storm (185) | vs Central Coast (NSW) (132) | -2.3 | 580.6 | Stats | |
09/30/17 | VRDL: Storm (160) | vs SRDL: Velociraptors B (181) | -27.7 | 582.9 | Stats | |
07/08/17 | VRDL: Storm (256) | vs South Sea (92) | +2.9 | 610.6 | Stats | |
06/12/17 | VRDL: Storm (234) | vs ADRD: Rads (126) | +2.2 | 607.7 | Stats | |
06/10/17 | VRDL: Storm (307) | vs Light City (79) | +12.7 | 605.5 | Stats | |
06/10/17 | VRDL: Storm (411) | vs Toowoomba (103) | -5.2 | 592.8 | Stats | |
05/14/17 | VRDL: Storm (134) | vs Varsity (180) | -9.2 | 598.0 | Stats | |
05/14/17 | VRDL: Storm (69) | vs Canberra (258) | -18.3 | 607.2 | Stats | |
05/13/17 | VRDL: Storm (252) | vs South Side (NSW) (81) | +0.2 | 625.5 | Stats | |
09/24/16 | VRDL: Storm (106) | vs Western Australia (200) | -30.9 | 625.3 | Stats | |
07/31/16 | VRDL: Storm (262) | vs Convict City (92) | +2.1 | 656.2 | Stats | |
07/31/16 | VRDL: Storm (287) | vs SRDL: Velociraptors B (71) | +25.0 | 654.1 | Stats | |
07/30/16 | VRDL: Storm (473) | vs Devil State (41) | +17.3 | 629.1 | Stats | |
06/04/16 | VRDL: Storm (471) | vs Ballarat (52) | +50.0 | 611.8 | Stats | |
05/07/16 | VRDL: Storm (137) | vs Melbourne Northside (212) | -9.0 | 561.7 | Stats | |
10/03/15 | VRDL: Storm (246) | vs NSR: Rebel Alliance (92) | +6.3 | 570.7 | Stats | |
06/28/15 | VRDL: Storm (109) | vs CRDL: Vice City Betamax (289) | -47.0 | 564.4 | Stats | |
10/12/14 | VRDL: Storm (482) | vs SSRD: The Banshees (99) | 611.4 | Stats |
Date | Teams | Score | Incoming Ratings | Expected | Actual | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Ratings | |
10/29/22 | VRDL: Storm South Sea | 233 200 | 620.7 585.7 | 0.13 | 0.08 | -3.2 +3.2 | 617.5 588.8 | Stats | |
11/02/19 | VRDL: Storm ADRD: Rads | 202 139 | 615.8 599.3 | 0.10 | 0.18 | +4.9 -4.9 | 620.7 594.4 | Stats | |
10/06/19 | VRDL: Storm Sydney | 150 259 | 617.0 664.1 | -0.25 | -0.27 | -1.2 +1.2 | 615.8 665.3 | Stats | |
10/05/19 | VRDL: Storm Varsity | 122 273 | 638.8 639.0 | -0.02 | -0.38 | -21.8 +21.8 | 617.0 660.8 | Stats | |
10/05/19 | VRDL: Storm Brisbane City | 82 208 | 680.9 622.0 | 0.27 | -0.43 | -42.1 +42.1 | 638.8 664.1 | Stats | |
08/17/19 | VRDL: Storm PRD: Rumble Bees (Perth) | 112 84 | 677.3 651.8 | 0.08 | 0.14 | +3.6 -3.6 | 680.9 648.2 | Stats | |
11/04/18 | VRDL: Storm Varsity | 239 133 | 671.3 638.3 | 0.18 | 0.28 | +6.1 -6.1 | 677.3 632.2 | Stats | |
11/03/18 | VRDL: Storm CRDL: Vice City Betamax | 351 109 | 673.9 548.5 | 0.57 | 0.53 | -2.6 +2.6 | 671.3 551.1 | Stats | |
11/03/18 | VRDL: Storm NSR: Rebel Alliance | 232 99 | 681.9 566.0 | 0.54 | 0.40 | -8.1 +8.1 | 673.9 574.1 | Stats | |
09/30/18 | VRDL: Storm Sydney | 164 184 | 673.3 710.3 | -0.20 | -0.06 | +8.7 -8.7 | 681.9 701.7 | Stats | |
09/30/18 | VRDL: Storm Northern Brisbane | 263 74 | 668.0 569.2 | 0.47 | 0.56 | +5.2 -5.2 | 673.3 564.0 | Stats | |
09/29/18 | VRDL: Storm Coastal Assassins | 225 141 | 668.0 617.3 | 0.23 | 0.23 | +0.0 -0.0 | 668.0 617.3 | Stats | |
09/29/18 | VRDL: Storm Brisbane City | 195 198 | 688.9 621.6 | 0.34 | -0.01 | -20.8 +20.8 | 668.0 642.5 | Stats | |
06/11/18 | VRDL: Storm Brisbane City | 205 138 | 694.6 631.4 | 0.29 | 0.20 | -5.8 +5.8 | 688.9 637.1 | Stats | |
06/10/18 | VRDL: Storm Auckland | 338 92 | 682.4 608.6 | 0.37 | 0.57 | +12.3 -12.3 | 694.6 596.4 | Stats | |
06/10/18 | VRDL: Storm Richter City | 323 50 | 648.8 617.9 | 0.17 | 0.73 | +33.6 -33.6 | 682.4 584.3 | Stats | |
06/10/18 | VRDL: Storm Blue Mountains | 572 50 | 638.0 483.1 | 0.66 | 0.84 | +10.8 -10.8 | 648.8 472.4 | Stats | |
06/09/18 | VRDL: Storm Ballarat | 385 54 | 621.1 522.3 | 0.47 | 0.75 | +16.9 -16.9 | 638.0 505.3 | Stats | |
04/22/18 | VRDL: Storm ADRD: Rads | 243 123 | 620.3 564.1 | 0.31 | 0.33 | +0.8 -0.8 | 621.1 563.4 | Stats | |
04/21/18 | VRDL: Storm Tweed Valley | 265 71 | 615.5 515.4 | 0.50 | 0.58 | +4.8 -4.8 | 620.3 510.6 | Stats | |
04/20/18 | VRDL: Storm East Coast | 515 40 | 613.9 386.4 | 0.83 | 0.86 | +1.6 -1.6 | 615.5 384.7 | Stats | |
04/08/18 | VRDL: Storm SRDL: Velociraptors B | 253 89 | 608.4 522.7 | 0.39 | 0.48 | +5.5 -5.5 | 613.9 517.1 | Stats | |
04/08/18 | VRDL: Storm VDL: Rogue Scholars | 239 90 | 615.2 482.4 | 0.57 | 0.45 | -6.8 +6.8 | 608.4 489.2 | Stats | |
04/07/18 | VRDL: Storm South Side (NSW) | 237 79 | 609.7 519.2 | 0.41 | 0.50 | +5.5 -5.5 | 615.2 513.7 | Stats | |
04/07/18 | VRDL: Storm CRDL: Capital Brawlers | 453 112 | 610.7 461.7 | 0.62 | 0.60 | -1.0 +1.0 | 609.7 462.6 | Stats | |
03/11/18 | VRDL: Storm NSR: Rebel Alliance | 252 143 | 597.2 596.2 | 0.05 | 0.28 | +13.5 -13.5 | 610.7 582.7 | Stats | |
03/11/18 | VRDL: Storm South Sea | 282 90 | 597.0 492.7 | 0.51 | 0.52 | +0.2 -0.2 | 597.2 492.5 | Stats | |
11/05/17 | VRDL: Storm Melbourne Northside | 113 205 | 598.4 648.9 | -0.27 | -0.29 | -1.4 +1.4 | 597.0 650.3 | Stats | |
11/04/17 | VRDL: Storm Convict City | 242 121 | 584.9 559.4 | 0.11 | 0.33 | +13.5 -13.5 | 598.4 545.9 | Stats | |
11/04/17 | VRDL: Storm ADRD: Rads | 229 102 | 567.3 553.4 | 0.09 | 0.38 | +17.5 -17.5 | 584.9 535.9 | Stats | |
10/01/17 | VRDL: Storm Newcastle (Aus) | 107 209 | 580.6 604.8 | -0.10 | -0.32 | -13.3 +13.3 | 567.3 618.1 | Stats | |
09/30/17 | VRDL: Storm Central Coast (NSW) | 185 132 | 582.9 537.2 | 0.21 | 0.17 | -2.3 +2.3 | 580.6 539.4 | Stats | |
09/30/17 | VRDL: Storm SRDL: Velociraptors B | 160 181 | 610.6 521.1 | 0.40 | -0.06 | -27.7 +27.7 | 582.9 548.8 | Stats | |
07/08/17 | VRDL: Storm South Sea | 256 92 | 607.7 526.5 | 0.42 | 0.47 | +2.9 -2.9 | 610.6 523.6 | Stats | |
06/12/17 | VRDL: Storm ADRD: Rads | 234 126 | 605.5 555.5 | 0.26 | 0.30 | +2.2 -2.2 | 607.7 553.4 | Stats | |
06/10/17 | VRDL: Storm Light City | 307 79 | 592.8 509.4 | 0.38 | 0.59 | +12.7 -12.7 | 605.5 496.7 | Stats | |
06/10/17 | VRDL: Storm Toowoomba | 411 103 | 598.0 433.6 | 0.69 | 0.60 | -5.2 +5.2 | 592.8 438.9 | Stats | |
05/14/17 | VRDL: Storm Varsity | 134 180 | 607.2 609.8 | 0.01 | -0.15 | -9.2 +9.2 | 598.0 619.0 | Stats | |
05/14/17 | VRDL: Storm Canberra | 69 258 | 625.5 677.0 | -0.27 | -0.58 | -18.3 +18.3 | 607.2 695.3 | Stats | |
05/13/17 | VRDL: Storm South Side (NSW) | 252 81 | 625.3 516.6 | 0.51 | 0.51 | +0.2 -0.2 | 625.5 516.5 | Stats | |
09/24/16 | VRDL: Storm Western Australia | 106 200 | 656.2 622.3 | 0.21 | -0.31 | -30.9 +30.9 | 625.3 653.2 | Stats | |
07/31/16 | VRDL: Storm Convict City | 262 92 | 654.1 549.4 | 0.45 | 0.48 | +2.1 -2.1 | 656.2 547.3 | Stats | |
07/31/16 | VRDL: Storm SRDL: Velociraptors B | 287 71 | 629.1 600.9 | 0.18 | 0.60 | +25.0 -25.0 | 654.1 575.9 | Stats | |
07/30/16 | VRDL: Storm Devil State | 473 41 | 611.8 479.3 | 0.55 | 0.84 | +17.3 -17.4 | 629.1 461.9 | Stats | |
06/04/16 | VRDL: Storm Ballarat | 471 52 | 561.7 578.4 | -0.04 | 0.80 | +50.0 -50.0 | 611.8 528.4 | Stats | |
05/07/16 | VRDL: Storm Melbourne Northside | 137 212 | 570.7 574.6 | -0.06 | -0.21 | -9.0 +9.0 | 561.7 583.6 | Stats | |
10/03/15 | VRDL: Storm NSR: Rebel Alliance | 246 92 | 564.4 503.7 | 0.34 | 0.46 | +6.3 -6.3 | 570.7 497.4 | Stats | |
06/28/15 | VRDL: Storm CRDL: Vice City Betamax | 109 289 | 611.4 524.3 | 0.45 | -0.45 | -47.0 +47.0 | 564.4 571.4 | Stats | |
10/12/14 | VRDL: Storm SSRD: The Banshees | 482 99 | [unranked] 538.3 | 0.66 | | 611.4 538.3 | Stats |