Date | This Team | Opponent | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Rating | |
08/29/15 | Babes of Wrath (144) | vs Northern Allegheny (168) | +5.7 | 278.6 | Stats | |
08/22/15 | Babes of Wrath (161) | vs EMRD: Allegheny River Rats (127) | -12.7 | 272.9 | Stats | |
08/08/15 | Babes of Wrath (162) | vs Enchanted Mountain (412) | +3.3 | 285.6 | Stats | |
07/18/15 | Babes of Wrath (52) | vs LVRD: Blast Furnace Betties (299) | -3.5 | 282.3 | Stats | |
06/13/15 | Babes of Wrath (75) | vs CNYRD: CNY Daybreakers (322) | -15.0 | 285.8 | Stats | |
09/13/14 | Babes of Wrath (81) | vs State College (291) | -18.0 | 300.8 | Stats | |
08/09/14 | Babes of Wrath (154) | vs CNYRD: CNY Daybreakers (209) | +0.3 | 318.8 | Stats | |
07/26/14 | Babes of Wrath (97) | vs QCRD: B-lo Zero (270) | -8.6 | 318.5 | Stats | |
06/21/14 | Babes of Wrath (104) | vs Crown City (258) | -7.6 | 327.1 | Stats | |
06/08/14 | Babes of Wrath (267) | vs Nightmares (144) | -5.3 | 334.7 | Stats | |
05/17/14 | Babes of Wrath (238) | vs Enchanted Mountain (339) | +0.3 | 340.0 | Stats | |
05/10/14 | Babes of Wrath (274) | vs Hell's Orchard (313) | -23.2 | 339.7 | Stats | |
05/03/14 | Babes of Wrath (211) | vs SCRD: B Squad (219) | -4.8 | 362.9 | Stats | |
10/12/13 | Babes of Wrath (212) | vs HoT: Trojan Force (145) | +12.0 | 367.7 | Stats | |
09/21/13 | Babes of Wrath (229) | vs CCR: Imperial Forces (121) | -2.6 | 355.7 | Stats | |
08/24/13 | Babes of Wrath (255) | vs State College (138) | +5.2 | 358.2 | Stats | |
08/10/13 | Babes of Wrath (161) | vs SCRD: B Squad (229) | -6.1 | 353.1 | Stats | |
07/27/13 | Babes of Wrath (265) | vs YARD: Rust Belt Rollers (210) | +5.2 | 359.1 | Stats | |
07/14/13 | Babes of Wrath (368) | vs Northern Allegheny (95) | +15.3 | 353.9 | Stats | |
06/15/13 | Babes of Wrath (191) | vs CNYRD: CNY Daybreakers (218) | -4.4 | 338.6 | Stats | |
06/09/13 | Babes of Wrath (276) | vs Nightmares (89) | +24.8 | 342.9 | Stats | |
05/04/13 | Babes of Wrath (258) | vs Niagara (109) | 318.2 | Stats | ||
04/20/13 | Babes of Wrath (157) | vs Enchanted Mountain (284) | +5.1 | 318.2 | Stats | |
09/22/12 | Babes of Wrath (65) | vs ILWR: Bluestockings (189) | +5.5 | 313.1 | Stats | |
08/18/12 | Babes of Wrath (54) | vs Erie Roller Derby (210) | -16.3 | 307.6 | Stats | |
07/21/12 | Babes of Wrath (93) | vs RCRG: Hot Rod Dollies (164) | -21.0 | 323.9 | Stats | |
05/19/12 | Babes of Wrath (111) | vs RCRD: B-Sides (195) | +11.2 | 344.9 | Stats | |
04/21/12 | Babes of Wrath (79) | vs Enchanted Mountain (209) | -8.2 | 333.7 | Stats | |
03/10/12 | Babes of Wrath (22) | vs RCRG: Hot Rod Dollies (81) | -33.9 | 341.8 | Stats | |
02/04/12 | Babes of Wrath (174) | vs Nightmares (42) | 375.7 | Stats | ||
09/25/11 | Babes of Wrath (192) | vs Rockin' Rural (140) | +13.2 | 375.7 | Stats | |
07/09/11 | Babes of Wrath (104) | vs Enchanted Mountain (197) | -10.4 | 362.5 | Stats | |
06/12/11 | Babes of Wrath (163) | vs Erie Roller Derby (137) | 373.0 | Stats |
Date | Teams | Score | Incoming Ratings | Expected | Actual | Expected vs. Actual | Change | New Ratings | |
08/29/15 | Babes of Wrath Northern Allegheny | 144 168 | 272.9 301.5 | -0.19 | -0.08 | +5.7 -5.7 | 278.6 295.8 | Stats | |
08/22/15 | Babes of Wrath EMRD: Allegheny River Rats | 161 127 | 285.6 219.0 | 0.36 | 0.12 | -12.7 +12.7 | 272.9 231.7 | Stats | |
08/08/15 | Babes of Wrath Enchanted Mountain | 162 412 | 282.3 382.9 | -0.50 | -0.44 | +3.3 -3.3 | 285.6 379.5 | Stats | |
07/18/15 | Babes of Wrath LVRD: Blast Furnace Betties | 52 299 | 285.8 445.2 | -0.64 | -0.70 | -3.5 +3.5 | 282.3 448.7 | Stats | |
06/13/15 | Babes of Wrath CNYRD: CNY Daybreakers | 75 322 | 300.8 361.5 | -0.34 | -0.62 | -15.0 +15.0 | 285.8 376.5 | Stats | |
09/13/14 | Babes of Wrath State College | 81 291 | 318.8 372.5 | -0.22 | -0.56 | -18.0 +18.0 | 300.8 390.5 | Stats | |
08/09/14 | Babes of Wrath CNYRD: CNY Daybreakers | 154 209 | 318.5 359.2 | -0.16 | -0.15 | +0.3 -0.3 | 318.8 358.9 | Stats | |
07/26/14 | Babes of Wrath QCRD: B-lo Zero | 97 270 | 327.1 399.7 | -0.31 | -0.47 | -8.6 +8.6 | 318.5 408.3 | Stats | |
06/21/14 | Babes of Wrath Crown City | 104 258 | 334.7 383.3 | -0.28 | -0.43 | -7.6 +7.6 | 327.1 390.9 | Stats | |
06/08/14 | Babes of Wrath Nightmares | 267 144 | 340.0 264.1 | 0.40 | 0.30 | -5.3 +5.3 | 334.7 269.4 | Stats | |
05/17/14 | Babes of Wrath Enchanted Mountain | 238 339 | 339.7 367.1 | -0.18 | -0.18 | +0.3 -0.3 | 340.0 366.8 | Stats | |
05/10/14 | Babes of Wrath Hell's Orchard | 274 313 | 362.9 274.6 | 0.38 | -0.07 | -23.2 +23.2 | 339.7 297.8 | Stats | |
05/03/14 | Babes of Wrath SCRD: B Squad | 211 219 | 367.7 362.0 | 0.07 | -0.02 | -4.8 +4.8 | 362.9 366.8 | Stats | |
10/12/13 | Babes of Wrath HoT: Trojan Force | 212 145 | 355.7 355.0 | -0.04 | 0.19 | +12.0 -12.0 | 367.7 343.0 | Stats | |
09/21/13 | Babes of Wrath CCR: Imperial Forces | 229 121 | 358.2 292.4 | 0.36 | 0.31 | -2.6 +2.6 | 355.7 295.0 | Stats | |
08/24/13 | Babes of Wrath State College | 255 138 | 353.1 321.7 | 0.20 | 0.30 | +5.2 -5.2 | 358.2 316.6 | Stats | |
08/10/13 | Babes of Wrath SCRD: B Squad | 161 229 | 359.1 361.8 | -0.06 | -0.17 | -6.1 +6.1 | 353.1 367.9 | Stats | |
07/27/13 | Babes of Wrath YARD: Rust Belt Rollers | 265 210 | 353.9 341.7 | 0.02 | 0.12 | +5.2 -5.2 | 359.1 336.5 | Stats | |
07/14/13 | Babes of Wrath Northern Allegheny | 368 95 | 338.6 286.5 | 0.30 | 0.59 | +15.3 -15.3 | 353.9 271.2 | Stats | |
06/15/13 | Babes of Wrath CNYRD: CNY Daybreakers | 191 218 | 342.9 330.5 | 0.02 | -0.07 | -4.4 +4.4 | 338.6 334.8 | Stats | |
06/09/13 | Babes of Wrath Nightmares | 276 89 | 318.2 319.4 | 0.04 | 0.51 | +24.8 -24.8 | 342.9 294.6 | Stats | |
05/04/13 | Babes of Wrath Niagara | 258 109 | 318.2 [unranked] | 0.41 | | 318.2 280.4 | Stats | ||
04/20/13 | Babes of Wrath Enchanted Mountain | 157 284 | 313.1 385.3 | -0.39 | -0.29 | +5.1 -5.1 | 318.2 380.3 | Stats | |
09/22/12 | Babes of Wrath ILWR: Bluestockings | 65 189 | 307.6 436.3 | -0.61 | -0.49 | +5.5 -5.5 | 313.1 430.8 | Stats | |
08/18/12 | Babes of Wrath Erie Roller Derby | 54 210 | 323.9 355.2 | -0.22 | -0.59 | -16.3 +16.3 | 307.6 371.5 | Stats | |
07/21/12 | Babes of Wrath RCRG: Hot Rod Dollies | 93 164 | 344.9 318.8 | 0.20 | -0.28 | -21.0 +21.0 | 323.9 339.8 | Stats | |
05/19/12 | Babes of Wrath RCRD: B-Sides | 111 195 | 333.7 437.0 | -0.53 | -0.27 | +11.2 -11.2 | 344.9 425.8 | Stats | |
04/21/12 | Babes of Wrath Enchanted Mountain | 79 209 | 341.8 382.7 | -0.27 | -0.45 | -8.2 +8.2 | 333.7 390.8 | Stats | |
03/10/12 | Babes of Wrath RCRG: Hot Rod Dollies | 22 81 | 375.7 322.7 | 0.19 | -0.57 | -33.9 +33.9 | 341.8 356.7 | Stats | |
02/04/12 | Babes of Wrath Nightmares | 174 42 | 375.7 [unranked] | 0.61 | | 375.7 327.3 | Stats | ||
09/25/11 | Babes of Wrath Rockin' Rural | 192 140 | 362.5 377.0 | -0.14 | 0.16 | +13.2 -13.2 | 375.7 363.8 | Stats | |
07/09/11 | Babes of Wrath Enchanted Mountain | 104 197 | 373.0 373.8 | -0.07 | -0.31 | -10.4 +10.4 | 362.5 384.2 | Stats | |
06/12/11 | Babes of Wrath Erie Roller Derby | 163 137 | [unranked] 371.9 | 0.09 | | 373.0 371.9 | Stats |